Engagement Party Speeches Feed

Parents Of The Groom Engagement Party Speech Writing Assistance (Now, Let The Pros Help You With A Very Beautiful Engagement Party Speech)

Dear Anxious Parent of The Groom,

I am Glen,

I know you are dreaming of giving a very beautiful and heartfelt wedding or engagement speech.

Granted, it’s not so easy to write a great one let alone face a terrifying audience.

Like you, I badly wanted to give a great speech that will make my child proud and also show the guests how much I really love my precious child.

Juggling work and family meant I had little time to spare. But, I was obsessed with writing a beautiful speech yet finding the right words was like pulling out a child’s tooth.


I Was Totally Helpless

I knew the audience wanted me to do my very best because I was well known for my speaking abilities.

But, I couldn’t put my thoughts together in a very compelling way.

That was a bit puzzling because I had given so many speeches.

But, I never knew wedding speeches were very different.

I spent countless hours, sometimes deep into the night, but things didn’t work out as I had hoped for.

I Goofed!

On the wedding day of my first child, I was so nervous that I lost my composure and my words were inaudible.

To cut a long story short, I got a few compliments, but deep down within my heart, I knew those praises were not sincere.


I Got A Standing Ovation!

When my second child was getting married, I vowed to do my very best to make him proud.

But like before, I was so scared. I thought I’d fail to impress on the wedding day like before.

Looking everywhere for here, I landed on this page you are currently reading.

This Helped Me Out!

However, I was skeptical when Dan and his team said they could help give a great wedding speech even if I hate speaking in public.

Well, I took a leap of faith when I found that I didn’t have to pay first to get my speech and that allayed my fears.

Quickly, I got started by first filling out this form as I really wanted to make a difference this time.

Dan and his team delivered what they promised and I loved it after asking for some edits.

When I was called to deliver my speech, the room was dead silent and most of those knew me from the first wedding.

I spoke with poise, flair, and confidence and got a standing ovation this time!!!!

Dan was so proud of me.

Those who thought I'd disappoint got it all wrong. I was an unlikely hero. Dan and his guys asked me how my speech went afterward and this was the note I sent them.

Please see the image below

Father of the groom

Dear Loving Dad or Mom,

I am Dan and I run this blog.

Glen is not the only one we’ve helped.

There are so many others as well. So, your case is not hopeless. We can help you just as we helped Phil...Wedding or engagement party not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year,... we can make things work for you 

''The wedding was GREAT. There were about 120 guests. About 15 people came up to me afterward and told me I gave a great speech. I had to tweak it a little because of my tardiness getting it to you but, it all turned out great. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it''Phil Australia 

Listen, all these persons you have just listened to are mere mortals like you and me and many were scared to death about this whole wedding speech thing.

But they all decided to take action by asking our wedding speech consultants to help them give incredible wedding speeches and we didn’t let them down.

Dad of the groom speech testimonials

Your daughter’s wedding is a very special event and you-(her dad) should not let her down in any way else she will regret asking you to give a wedding speech.

That’s why we are here to help you give a wedding speech that will blow everyone away-even if you are an experienced speaker or you just hate speaking before an audience.

Want to get on board? You should by clicking  on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-out questionnaire!

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, if you are expecting nothing less than a very special, beautiful, unique and memorable speech.
  • Yes, if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work and don’t have the time to put together a very meaningful speech, so you can have peace of mind
  • Yes, if you want your family, children, friends, and  guests to shower you with very sincere compliments…just imagine how you will feel
  • Yes, if you are not good with words and you feel you’re not a natural writer and you are struggling to find the right words but still want to give a great speech.
  • Yes, you get so scared anytime you’re asked to say something before an audience and you really want to save yourself from any form of embarrassment on your son’s big day.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you absolutely hate speaking in public or feel this is not your thing but you want to make your son feel very proud
  • Yes, if you have a day or less to the party and you are worried that you might make some horrible mistakes
  • Yes, if you are a good speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you've come up with!

Wedding not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year,... we can make things work for you 

Just imagine leaving your entire presentation in the hands of skilled wedding speech consultants who will take away your pain of spending hours thinking hard and long about what to say and what not to say.

Also, envision being patiently guided to say something that will leave a favorable impression on the mind of your listeners.

And also imagine the thrill and feeling of excitement and pride you’re going to experience when the audience leap onto their feet and scream and shouts and even sing your praises.

Won’t you love that? I hope you do...

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some sons are still getting engaged and asking their parents to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every parent could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video, and your son and soon-to-be- daughter-in-law, and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.  

So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.   

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

Ok, here’s how it works

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire via email. Check your email a few hours after you’ve submitted your request for your questionnaire.


1)CLICK HERE  NOW TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind!

  1. After that, we will send you a very short questionnaire to fill out via email! You only have to check your email a few hours after you have made your request.
  1. Then, you fill out the questionnaire sent through your email, and please have it sent back to us…
  1. We will confirm receipt of it…If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify….
  2. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft in a couple of hours if this on very short notice….If not, after a few days
  3. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it--although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  4. Then, we ask you to pay for it. It's as simple as that!

Just a reminder of what you pay after it’s duly completed.

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some sons are still getting engaged and asking their parents to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every parent could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video, and your son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.  

So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.  

Please note: Your speech draft comes with a proven and simple tip to master your speech or remember your speech just as you want it without carrying a paper with you.

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise, and clarity!

''Hi, Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.

All the best,


Please note: Don’t fill out this form if you’re a dishonest individual. This offer is for a limited time.

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

You don't have to worry about paying our per speech for now.

Forget about money and let’s write something for you. We believe in the values of honesty and integrity and we think you should be happy with our work first.

So, Here Are The Benefits You Get When You Get On Board!

  • A great speech written by our wedding speech consultants that reflects what you want to say exactly
  • We coach you on how to use your voice to make your speech very exciting.
  • We show you a simple but often overlook strategy to rehearse your speech even if you have a very poor memory. This method is used by great speakers like Obama and was used by Abraham Lincoln and his compatriots
  • The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head without memorizing your speech. Guaranteed to help you even if you have a very poor memory or your memory is like a gold fish…most of our clients still wonder where we got this idea from. This ensures that you don't read off a sheet of paper...

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise and clarity!

''Hi Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.

All the best,


  • Ways to include humor in your speech and what it takes to do so

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

Remember, you have to see your speech first before you pay. So, you can relax and let us sweat it out at our expense!

''The wedding was GREAT. There were about 120 guests. About 15 people came up to me afterward and told me I gave a great speech. I had to tweak it a little because of my tardiness getting it to you but, it all turned out great. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it''- Phil Australia 

Father of the Groom or Mother of the Groom Speech (Toast) At Engagement Party

Below are simple tips and ideas to help you write a memorable father or mother of the groom engagement party speech.


It goes without saying that the two great moments in every parent’s life are when their child is born and when they get married.



It seems only yesterday that your son was born and I hope you felt extremely excited and proud to be the parents of that cute and adorable baby boy.

The years have flown by and now your son has grown into a very wonderful young man and he is all set to embark on a new life with that special woman he simply can’t live without.

M6 (1)

I am pretty sure that it’s always been your hope and prayer that the one he will be married to will be someday who loves and cherish him as much as you do.  Well, his wedding is months or even years away. But I am certain that when he told you of his engagement you were so overjoyed.


Traditionally, the father of the bride speech is the host of the wedding. But in some cultures, the parents of the groom, particularly his father hosts the engagement party.


Well, whether, you or the father of the bride speech hosts the party, you might have to give a short speech or toast at your son’s engagement party.  Giving a father or mother of the groom engagement party speech shouldn’t scare the hell out of you because it’s easy to give a great toast at his party.


Before you start to write your speech, you should think before you write. But some folks write before thinking about what they have written.  When that happens, you will end up with a sub-standard presentation. 


Mother of the groom engagement party speech


Your son, family, and friends will be counting on you to come up with the best toast. Regrettably, if you failed to impress your audience some time ago when you were asked to speak before a small crowd, memories of that encounter will come back to kind of haunt and taunt you. Leaving you with the impression that you can’t make headway.


If you dwell on that feeling too long, you will be held captive by your own thoughts and you might think you are not well equipped to handle this task.


Instead, you have to leave the past in the past and confront this new ‘’assignment’’ by constantly envisioning yourself speaking confidently before your family and loved ones no matter what is going through your mind.


If you keep dwelling on that, you will be empowered from within to make an amazing engagement toast or speech for your son,  even if you are as nervous as a stubborn goat in a den of lions.


Having said that, let us now look at how to get the right ideas for your engagement speech toast for your son.

Before you jot down your thoughts, you first have to figure out what goes into making a successful father or mother of the groom engagement party speech.


Video speech examples can give you tons of ideas that can inspire you to come up with a memorable dad or mom of the groom engagement party speech for your son.


By the way,  here are two videos you can watch and learn from.


Engagement Party Speech Video Example #1


Engagement Party Speech Video Example# 2




I hope you enjoyed watching both video clips.  Well, let us look at how it was written example in detail. After we have read it, we will break it down step by step so you can figure out how best you can write a great engagement party speech for your son.


Here you go:

Engagment Party Speech Sample/Example For Your Son

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am Don and the father of John.

Thanks for coming to be with us on this beautiful day. It means a lot to see you all here.

As a child, he had loved to play soccer. I remember when he was 2, he would wear my boots and jog around the house and fall in the process.

Once he sprained his leg but that didn’t slow him down after he had surgery.  It was no surprise when he was called to be a part of the soccer team while in high school.


In college, I was proud to accompany his team to an intercollegiate soccer event where he led his team to win the trophy at stake.

After the competition was over, I saw him with his girl who was glowing with youth and beauty.


When I asked him about who she was, his eyes got really big and very characteristic of him, he began to bite his fingers.

He stammered and said: ‘’’ Sheeeee is my coach. ‘’ I remember saying to him: ‘’ Really? Your coach? She doesn't look like one! ‘’


I took that with a pinch of salt until John finally told me two months later that she was going out with her.


I have known Sara for a few years and I can tell you that she is smart, fun to be with, polite, and respectful of the elderly.


She balances our son so well. Unlike Sara, John can really talk. My wife and I always refer to him as Mr. Supreme Court because of this attitude.  So, Sarah. You have been warned!


But we all know that in every relationship, women have the final word.

That being said, we are looking forward to seeing them get married soon.

My advice to both of them as they prepare for marriage is to always work hand in hand to achieve their goals and dreams.

I know their ultimate decision to get committed to each other is just the beginning of beautiful things to come in the years ahead.  

Father of the groom engagement party speech

John and Sarah, you both have been through a lot in this journey and I can only hope and pray that you will experience more blessings now, on your wedding day, and the years after that. Always remember in your walk together that the best is yet to come.  God bless you and we wish you the very best in the months ahead.


Without further ado, please raise your glass to my wonderful son and his soon-to-be wife.



M4 (1)


Now, let us see what went into writing this father or mother of the groom engagement party speech.


Let’s take it step by step by first looking at the introductory remarks. Here’s a snippet of it so we can be guided as to how to write one.


‘’ Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am Don and the father of John.

Thanks for coming to be with us on this beautiful day. It means a lot to see you all here.

As a child, he had loved to play soccer. I remember when he was 2, he would wear my boots and jog around the house and fall in the process. ‘’


As you can see from the example above, the introduction of such toasts has two parts to it: expression of gratitude as well as a gist of what your message will be about. 


After you have mentioned your name and your relationship with the groom and bride, you then proceed to thank people who have been a blessing in your son’s life.


Action/Writing Tip: You can thank your wife or his mom, parents of the bride, the groom’s grandmother or grandfather, siblings, and so on.


Additionally, you can express gratitude to persons who have helped plan the engagement party.

After expressing gratitude,  you can start with a bang by talking about your son.


The opening remarks can help you break the ice, bond with the audience, and give them something to smile about too.


I am happy to share with you some tips for starting on a bright note.


First, you can start by sharing how excited you are for the bride and groom on their engagement day.


Second, you can briefly share how you have seen their love grown and blossomed over the years.


Third, you can give an account of how you felt when your son was born. If it has a funny twist to it, your opening remarks will be very memorable.


Fourth, you can start with a heartfelt quote about love. Here are some witty lines you can use.

''Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Engagement marks the end of a whirlwind romance and beginning of an eternal love story.” — Rajeev Ranjan

‘’Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle

‘’Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each includes the other, each is enriched by the other.” — Felix Adler

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” — Helen Keller


I can use the underlined quotes to show you how you can start strong. Are you ready? Ok, let’s see how it is done.


Here’s a short engagement party speech example for a son.


Dan and Melinda’s engagement brings to mind a quote by Helen Keller that goes like this: The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard but must be felt with the heart.

That’s true you know because Dan and Melissa have proved beyond a shadow of doubt over the years they have been together that love is the best gift of the heart.


Did you see that? You may use any of those quotes to come up with a classic opener.

By the way, let us shift our attention to…


How To Write The Content Or Structure Of Your Engagement Speech For Your Son


Before we get started, let us look at parts of that example to make your writing of the body a cinch.


‘’ ….Once he sprained his leg but that didn’t slow him down after he had surgery.  It was no surprise when he was called to be a part of the soccer team while in high school.

In college, I was proud to accompany his team to an intercollegiate soccer event where he led his team to win the trophy at stake.

After the competition was over, I saw him with his girl who was glowing with youth and beauty.  ‘’


There are a few things you should really consider before you piece your thoughts together into a very coherent piece.


First and foremost, you have to pick a speech style that’s unique to you. I know you have been to so many weddings and have heard some really outstanding speeches.


It can be tempting to mimic the style of a presentation you have heard if it was so good. I remember there’s a video clip going viral on the internet that’s still a hit. It never gets old no matter how many times you watch it.


Some fathers are actually copying that example. Even though it is a great piece, you shouldn’t in anyway toe the line of those copycats.  You should express yourself in a way that expresses who you are since there’s no one like you.


Depending on who you are, you can choose to write in a witty style, intelligent, dramatic, tender, poetic, rhythmic, narrative, and even funny. By the way, I always find that most fathers or mothers of grooms find solace in delivering a mixture of sentimental and funny speeches.


If you want to dwell extensively on your son, you can share a few stories about his life.

Answers to the following questions can be really helpful in coming with a short speech.

  • What was his childhood or early years like?
  • What was he like when he was growing up?
  • Do you remember any fond memories you want to add to your message?
  • When did the bride come into his life?
  • What challenges have they been through that you wish to share?
  • What do you look forward to them achieving together when they eventually get married?


If you have answers to those questions, then you can simply put your thoughts together to form a short story. 


Now, let’s see...


How To Write The Ending Of Your Engagement Speech For Your Son


First and foremost, let us look at the concluding remarks from our extracted example to guide us along the way.

‘’ My advice to both of them as they prepare for marriage is to always work hand in hand to achieve their goals and dreams.

I know their ultimate decision to get committed to each other is just the beginning of beautiful things to come in the years ahead. 


John and Sarah, you both have been through a lot in this journey and I can only pray and hope that you will experience more blessings now, on your wedding day, and the years after that. Always remember in your walk together that the best is yet to come. 

God bless you and we wish you the very best in the months ahead. ‘’


Since the future bride and groom have yet to start building their lives together, you can share what you look forward to as they plan their wedding.


Do you remember any advice someone gave you prior to your own wedding back in the day? If you do, you can share it with the guests and the planning process will be much better and easier.


What’s more, you can share some practical tips for navigating any problems in their relationship without explicitly alluding to those challenges. For example, if they are navigating any long-distance relationship, you can share practical tips for making their relationship work.

Engagement party speech for son

After all, it is going to be a great delight if those ideas help them in the long run.

You also can simply wish them well in the months or years ahead.  Here are a few well-wishes you can use to wrap up on a memorable note.


  • May your life be blessed with countless gifts of love and fondness for each other in the years ahead. I wish both of you a life full of joy and happiness!
  • Make promises of being together both during joy and happiness, as today is a special day for your two souls to get bonded together in love and harmony. Congratulations to you both!
  • Grab onto the bond of love that will form today tightly forever, so that love can make it through any difficulties you will face in your marriage. Blessings are all I have to give you on this special day.
  • The news of your engagement has made my heart so happy. What a joyful announcement! You make a wonderful couple. May the two of you be blessed as you begin the journey that will lead to a lifetime together.
  • I’m so happy you have found love and inspiration in each other. All the very best wishes for engagement with the wedding plans and have a lovely life together. Remember the best is yet to be.


Finally, you can end your speech with a nice toast. Once again, I am happy to share with you some wedding quotes from movies that can help enrich your speech.

“I love that you get cold when it’s 71 degrees out. And that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I absolutely love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts.

I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it’s not because I’m lonely, and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” – When Harry Met Sally


You made me a man, by loving me… If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever… you lose complete faith that you’ll try to see yourself through my eyes… You made my life, but I’m just one chapter in yours… Don’t be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends.” – PS I Love you


''I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all of the ages of the world alone.” – The Lord of the Rings


''It’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be really hard. We’re going to have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day… Picture your life for me 30 years from now… What’s it look like? If it’s with him, go. Go! If I thought that’s what you really wanted. But don’t you take the easy way out.” – The Notebook



Ok, please watch me as I  write a short piece of advice with the underlined words.


Being engaged doesn’t in any way mean you have to come to the end of the road. It’s rather the start of the journey. I have been here before and I can tell you that it’s not going to be so easy planning for your wedding and ultimately your marriage. Well, once you face difficulties, just work hand in hand and imagine what your future will be like and the memories you are going to make together with your own kids.


Got it? That’s how it is supposed to be done. You just have to do likewise.


Why not give them some words of encouragement from the bible if you are known for that or both of them are Christians. I really like these bible verses.

Proverbs 3:5-6

New International Version

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

Psalm 128

New International Version

Psalm 128

A song of ascents.

Blessed are all who fear the Lord,
    who walk in obedience to him.
You will eat the fruit of your labor;
    blessings and prosperity will be yours.
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine
    within your house;
your children will be like olive shoots
    around your table.
Yes, this will be the blessing
    for the man who fears the Lord.

May the Lord bless you from Zion;
    may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem
    all the days of your life.
May you live to see your children’s children—
    peace be on Israel.

The second bible quote can actually be used to convey your well-wishes.


Parents Of The Bride Engagement Party Speech Writing Assistance (Now, Let The Pros Help You With A Very Beautiful Engagement Party Speech)


Dear Anxious Parent of The Bride,

I am Glen,

I know you are dreaming of giving a very beautiful and heartfelt wedding or engagement speech.

Granted, it’s not so easy to write a great one let alone face a terrifying audience.

Like you, I badly wanted to give a great speech that will make my child proud and also show the guests how much I really love my precious child.

Juggling work and family meant I had little time to spare. But, I was obsessed with writing a beautiful speech yet finding the right words was like pulling out a child’s tooth.


I Was Totally Helpless

I knew the audience wanted me to do my very best because I was well known for my speaking abilities.

But, I couldn’t put my thoughts together in a very compelling way.

That was a bit puzzling because I had given so many speeches.

But, I never knew wedding speeches were very different.

I spent countless hours, sometimes deep into the night, but things didn’t work out as I had hoped for.

I Goofed!

On the wedding day of my first child, I was so nervous that I lost my composure and my words were inaudible.

To cut a long story short, I got a few compliments, but deep down within my heart, I knew those praises were not sincere.


I Got A Standing Ovation!

When my second child was getting married, I vowed to do my very best to make him proud.

But like before, I was so scared. I thought I’d fail to impress on the wedding day like before.

Looking everywhere for here, I landed on this page you are currently reading.


This Helped Me Out!

However, I was skeptical when Dan and his team said they could help give a great wedding speech even if I hate speaking in public.

Well, I took a leap of faith when I found that I didn’t have to pay first to get my speech and that allayed my fears.

Quickly, I got started by first filling out this form as I really wanted to make a difference this time.

Dan and his team delivered what they promised and I loved it after asking for some edits.


When I was called to deliver my speech, the room was dead silent and most of those knew me from the first wedding.


I spoke with poise, flair, and confidence and got a standing ovation this time!!!!

Dan was so proud of me.

Those who thought I'd disappoint got it all wrong. I was an unlikely hero. Dan and his guys asked me how my speech went afterward and this was the note I sent them.

Please see the image below

Father of the groom

Dear Loving Dad or Mom,

I am Dan and I run this blog.

Glen is not the only one we’ve helped.

There are so many others as well. So, your case is not hopeless. We can help you just as we helped Phil...Wedding or engagement not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year,... we can make things work for you 

''The wedding was GREAT. There were about 120 guests. About 15 people came up to me afterward and told me I gave a great speech. I had to tweak it a little because of my tardiness getting it to you but, it all turned out great. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it''Phil Australia 

Listen, all these persons you have just listened to are mere mortals like you and me and many were scared to death about this whole wedding speech thing.

But they all decided to take action by asking our wedding speech consultants to help them give incredible wedding speeches and we didn’t let them down.

Dad of the groom speech testimonials

Your daughter’s wedding is a very special event and you-(her dad) should not let her down in any way else she will regret asking you to give a wedding speech.


That’s why we are here to help you give a wedding speech that will blow everyone away-even if you are an experienced speaker or you just hate speaking before an audience.


Want to get on board? You should by clicking on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-out questionnaire

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, if you are expecting nothing less than a very special, beautiful, unique and memorable speech.
  • Yes, if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work and don’t have the time to put together a very meaningful speech, so you can have peace of mind
  • Yes, if you want your family, children, friends, and  guests to shower you with very sincere compliments…just imagine how you will feel
  • Yes, if you are not good with words and you feel you’re not a natural writer and you are struggling to find the right words but still want to give a great speech.
  • Yes, you get so scared anytime you’re asked to say something before an audience and you really want to save yourself from any form of embarrassment on your daughter’s big day.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you absolutely hate speaking in public or feel this is not your thing but you want to make your daughter feel very proud
  • Yes, if you have a day or less to the party and you are worried that you might make some horrible mistakes
  • Yes, if you are a good speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you've come up with!

Wedding not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year,... we can make things work for you 

Just imagine leaving your entire presentation in the hands of skilled wedding speech consultants who will take away your pain of spending hours thinking hard and long about what to say and what not to say.

Also, envision being patiently guided to say something that will leave a favorable impression on the mind of your listeners.

And also imagine the thrill and feeling of excitement and pride you’re going to experience when the audience leap onto their feet and scream and shouts and even sing your praises.


Won’t you love that? I hope you do...

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some daughters are still getting engaged and asking their parents to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every parent could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your daughter and soon-to-be- son-in-law, and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.  

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.   

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

Ok, here’s how it works

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire via email. Check your email a few hours after you’ve submitted your request for your questionnaire.


1)CLICK HERE  NOW TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind!

  1. After that, we will send you a very short questionnaire to fill out via email! You only have to check your email a few hours after you have made your request.
  1. Then, you fill out the questionnaire sent through your email, and please have it sent back to us…
  1. We will confirm receipt of it…If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify….
  2. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft in a couple of hours if this on very short notice….If not, after a few days
  3. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it--although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  4. Then, we ask you to pay for it. It's as simple as that!

Just a reminder of what you pay after it’s duly completed.

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some daughters are still getting engaged and asking their parents to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every parent could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.  

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.  

Please note: Your speech draft comes with a proven and simple tip to master your speech or remember your speech just as you want it without carrying a paper with you.

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise, and clarity!

''Hi, Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.

All the best,


Please note: Don’t fill out this form if you’re a dishonest individual. This offer is for a limited time.

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

You don't have to worry about paying our per speech for now.

Forget about money and let’s write something for you. We believe in the values of honesty and integrity and we think you should be happy with our work first.

So, Here Are The Benefits You Get When You Get On Board!

  • A great speech written by our wedding speech consultants that reflects what you want to say exactly
  • We coach you on how to use your voice to make your speech very exciting.
  • We show you a simple but often overlook strategy to rehearse your speech even if you have a very poor memory. This method is used by great speakers like Obama and was used by Abraham Lincoln and his compatriots
  • The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head without memorizing your speech. Guaranteed to help you even if you have a very poor memory or your memory is like a gold fish…most of our clients still wonder where we got this idea from. This ensures that you don't read off a sheet of paper...

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise and clarity!

''Hi Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.

All the best,


  • Ways to include humor in your speech and what it takes to do so

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

Remember, you have to see your speech first before you pay. So, you can relax and let us sweat it out at our expense!

''The wedding was GREAT. There were about 120 guests. About 15 people came up to me afterward and told me I gave a great speech. I had to tweak it a little because of my tardiness getting it to you but, it all turned out great. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it''- Phil Australia 


Engagement Party Speech (Toast) by Father of the Bride or Mother of the Bride

Here are simple and proven ways to write a memorable engagement party speech for your daughter


It’s every father’s or mother’s dream to raise their daughter and to finally walk her down the aisle to give her to the man of her dreams and I hope you are looking forward to doing just that after her engagment party.


It wasn’t too long ago that your daughter came into your life and filled your heart with so much joy and pride. Time has passed so quickly and she’s grown into an absolutely wonderful woman and on the threshold of starting life with that very special person who makes her joy complete.


I am sure the news of her engagement made you feel so proud and as the host of the event, you are expected to deliver a few words about her life in a very loving way.


I have been writing engagement party speeches for quite a while now and I know one of the heart-wrenching dilemmas for most parents of the bride is mustering the courage to say beautiful words at their daughter’s wedding.



Given that an engagement party speech for your daughter can be an uphill task if you are not a very confident speaker or you have less experience writing speeches, most fathers or mothers lose sleep about what to say and what not to say at their daughter's engagement.



Well, you don’t have to worry if you find yourself worrying about what to say because I am going to show you how you can easily and quickly write a memorable engagement party speech for your daughter even if you feel you don't have the guts to face an audience.


But, first, let’s carefully consider the one thing that troubles most fathers or mothers and how you can capitalize on that to speak with confidence, poise, and flair.


Do you know what that is? It's got to has to do with our mental attitude. Whenever you are asked to speak before an audience, there’s this natural tendency to go back in time to when you failed to impress on important occasion and you will start to wonder if you can turn the tables this time around. 



Whatever is going through your mind shouldn’t scare you because you can turn things around by focusing on the task ahead by constantly holding a positive mental image of what you have to say.


That being said, let’s look at how you can write the best ever mother of the bride or father of the bride engagement party speech.


Before we do that, let’s first look at how to get the right words and phrases for your daughter’s engagement party speech, and then we will look at an example and then how to tie your ideas together grippingly. 


To get ideas for your speech without banging your head against a wall, all you have to do is to hop over to your favorite video sharing platform and look them up. Youtube.com is my favorite channel, so please permit me to use that to illustrate.


Once, I get on that site, I can pop in any of these keywords: engagement party speech for my daughter, engagement party speech from father of the bride or mother of the bride, funny engagement party speech for the bride, engagement party speech by the stepfather of the bride, engagement toast for my daughter, etc.



Once, you insert any of those phrases into the search term, some video clips will pop up. Now, hit the play button of those videos and watch with rapt attention.


You can re-watch them over and over again and put down words and ideas and phrases you want to incorporate into your own speech.


Well, I found a great video for you. Please enjoy and prosper!



Again, most speakers find themselves wondering what to say because they don’t consult proven engagement father or mother of the bride speech samples.


Those free resources give you access to unlimited ideas and examples you can borrow and model your speech after.



Today, we are going to look at such an example and then we will break it down bit by bit to see what went into it and then we will use the insights gleaned to put down what’s on your heart…so please bear with me for a few minutes. Thank you!


First, let’s look at this…


Sample Engagement Speech for A Daughter


Good evening and welcome everyone.

Thank you all for coming to celebrate my daughter’s engagement. It’s great to see you all around. For those of you that don’t know me, I am Dan and I am the father of the soon-to-be Bride.


Our lives are full of very beautiful moments. The first beautiful moment is when we are born and the next is when we prepare to tie the knots with the love of our lives.

Tonight, Mark and Ruth are surrounded by love from family and friends as they are on the verge of a new journey as husband and wife.

It’s amazing how time flies so quickly. It seems like only yesterday that our beloved Ruth came into our lives and made our joy complete. The years have gone so quickly and she’s grown into a very wonderful woman and now a stunningly beautiful bride.

Even though we are all here today to celebrate their engagement, my thoughts go back to that little girl who brought so much joy into my life than my heart could hold.

Growing up, she was a very happy and charming little girl who loved to always sit on my lap.


But there was something very special and so unique about her and that was her warm smile which always warmed the hearts of everyone she met.


Just a look at her sunny smile was more than enough, to give you hope and uplift your spirit even if you were having a bad day.


I vividly remember that one morning I was so preoccupied with events on the stock market while holding her hand as we walked to school.


On the way, she pulled me to the side, as though she were a mind-reader and lovingly said to me: ‘’ Dad, let’s stop and smell the flowers’’


Needless to say, we stopped and inhaled the sweet-smelling flowers, making my day so much better than I expected!


However, as your daughter grows up, you began to worry about her finding the right guy.


Out of the blue, Mark walked into her life and I could tell that he was the guy we’ve been waiting for all these years.




Mark inspired and stood by her through thick and thin and that impressed me so much. I respect the fact that he came and asked me for her hand.  


Linda and I as well as our entire family couldn’t be more proud on the occasion of their engagement. Let me take this moment to welcome Mark to our family with open arms.


It’s going to be tough to walk her down the aisle—but I can’t imagine a better young man than Ruth to share her life with, and that gives me true joy and peace.


Without further ado, please raise your glass to my lovely daughter and her soon-to-be husband. May your life together be as beautiful as the colors of the rainbow.



Don’t you think your family, as well as the wedding guests, will be so proud of you if you can come up with a short and sweet father or mother of the engagement speech like that one above? 


What to say at your daughter's engagment party


Well, let’s look at how I came up with that. You can probably scroll up this page and read it once more.  By the way, let’s review the introduction briefly


''Good evening and welcome everyone.

Thank you all for coming to celebrate my daughter’s engagement. It’s great to see you all around. For those of you that don’t know me, I am Dan and I am the father of the soon-to-be Bride.


Our lives are full of very beautiful moments. The first beautiful moment is when we are born and the next is when we prepare to tie the knots with the love of our lives''


Did you notice how those words hooked you in? After you’ve greeted the guests, you should then proceed to...

  • Mention your name and your relationship with the bride…never assume everyone knows who you are .


Next, you have to begin on a strong note since the introductory lines of your toast have to be very engaging. There are some proven ways to do that.


Ok, here are a few examples of grabbing the attention of your listeners from the get-go.


1) If your daughter’s birthday falls on the day of her engagement, you can talk about that and tie it with the theme of the ceremony.

This is how that can be done…Ready?


Ok, here we go:

''For those of you who may not lucky enough to know me, I am Mark and the father of the soon-to-be bride.


Today, I feel like the luckiest dad ever because on this same day 28 years ago, Chris and I got our first child after waiting for so long.

It’s a double blessing not only for Ruth on her engagement party but our entire family as well....''


2) Again, you can connect your opening remarks with a quote.

If I had to write your engagement toast, I might use any of these quotes.



Please use this if you are the father of the bride:'' Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.''– Unknown

Please use this if you are the mother of the bride:'' Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing mom.''– Unknown


Please use this if you are the father of the bride:   ''A good father will leave his imprint on his daughter for the rest of her life ''- Dr. James Dobson


Please use this if you are the mother of the bride::'' A mother leaves an indelible imprint on her daughter for the rest of her life''- Jean Dan

Please use this if you are the father of the bride: ''They say that from the instant he lays eyes on her, a father adores his daughter.'' -Unknown


Please use this if you are the mother of the bride:'' From the moment. a mom holds her newborn daughter in her arms, she snuggles right into her heart''- Jean Dan

Please use this if you are the father of the bride: “No other love in the world is like the love of a father has for his little girl.” – Unknown


Please use this if you are the mother of the bride: ''A Mother's love is something that no one can explain,
It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may
For nothing can destroy it or take that love away— ''Helen Steiner Rice''




Let me illustrate how we can start on a touching note using the underlined lines above:’’ Father of the bride: “No other love in the world ...'' to come up with this brief example:


''Whether you’re a new groom or a new Dad or even an old, you fathers will understand that any man can be a father but it takes a lot of love to be a Dad…There could never be a Dad who loves his daughter more than I love you, Diana.''


Well, since this post is also tailored to mothers, we can modify that example like this:


''Whether you’re a new mother or even a grandmother, you will understand that a mother's love is something that no one can explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain.
It is endless and unselfish and enduring comes what may… For nothing can destroy it or take that love away…''


3) To make it heartfelt, you can also share how you felt when your daughter was born.

An example could be:

''From the moment Ruth came into our lives, she touched our hearts deeply and we just couldn’t imagine living a single day of my life without her….''


There are a couple of different ways to start with a bang but let’s quickly move to the body since it’s the most vital part of your presentation.


First, here are excerpts of it.

''Growing up, she was a very happy and charming little girl who loved to always sit on my lap.


But there was something very special and so unique about her and that was her captivating smile which always warmed the hearts of everyone she met.


Just a look at her sunny smile, was more than enough, to give you hope and uplift your spirit even if you were having a bad day.


I vividly remember that one morning I was so preoccupied with events on the stock market while holding her hand as we walked to school.


On the way, she pulled me to the side, as though she were a mind-reader and lovingly said to me: ‘’ Dad, let’s stop and smell the flowers


Needless to say, we stopped and inhaled the sweet-smelling flowers, making my day so much better than I expected!''


Before you write the body of the speech, you have to figure out the goal of your speech. To do that, you have to take a few things into consideration by first asking yourself a few questions like...

''Do I want to make a short or long speech?''

'' What style do I want to use or what kind of speech do I want to make?''

'' What impact do I want to make?''  


Well, if you are making a short speech, then you can probably share an anecdote or two as we've seen in our example.


There’s nothing wrong with taking the longer ''route'' but you have to decide if you will give your speech at the engagement party or at the wedding reception.


Engagment toast or speech from father to his daughter

If you want to speak at both venues, you can split your presentation into two by sharing a few stories at the engagement and take the rest with you to her big day.


Again,  you have to decide if you want to do a funny, sentimental, storytelling or poetic speech.  Your pick should reflect your personality and not what you think will make the audience excited.  Sure, you might not be a naturally funny person, but if you share hilarious stories about your daughter, everyone will be excited.


As a speechwriter, I find that most parents do a combination of funny and sentimental and you can go for that if you think it fits your personal style or taste.


By the way, if you want to get the good stories for the body of your speech, you should provide answers to the following questions as a start. 


So, please grab your paper and pen and write down memories centered around the following…

  1. What was your daughter like when she was a little girl?
  2. What was she like when she was growing up?
  3. Any funny memories you want to include?


Have you put down your answers to those questions? Ok, great! Now, using the above speech example we looked at as a guide, try to write your engagement speech for your daughter without paying much attention to how it flows.


After you’ve done that, you can relax and keep your rough draft at a safe spot. Then, you can go back to review it later as fresh and new insights will swim in your brain when you give it another look. That’s basically how to write the body of your speech.

Father of the bride engagement party speech

P.S---Can you come up with a great speech like the one above? As the father or mother of the bride, everyone will be on the lookout for your great speech and you can't let the bride and her husband, friends, and family down by giving an ordinary speech.


Not too sure if what you intend to write will be well received by the guests?

Let's help you make your daughter, and family proud and let the wedding guests say great things about your speech.

Here’s what one nervous and skeptical dad called Glen sent over after the wedding was over

Hey Dan, I just wanted to thank you once again for the speech you wrote with me. My goal was met afterward, I was told by many "what a beautiful speech" and received a standing ovation. I couldn't have done this without you. God Bless Dan!- Glen, U.S.A

Want to know how he did just that? He got on board our wedding speech program and one of our talented speech consultants helped him out.

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out a short form.

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, if you are expecting nothing less than a very special, beautiful, unique and memorable speech.
  • Yes, if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work and don’t have the time to put together a very meaningful speech, so you can have peace of mind
  • Yes, if you want your family, children, friends, and  guests to shower you with very sincere compliments…just imagine how you will feel
  • Yes, if you are not good with words and you feel you’re not a natural writer and you are struggling to find the right words but still want to give a great speech.
  • Yes, you get so scared anytime you’re asked to say something before an audience and you really want to save yourself from any form of embarrassment on your daughter’s big day.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you absolutely hate speaking in public or feel this is not your thing but you want to make your daughter feel very proud
  • Yes, if you have a day or less to the party and you are worried that you might make some horrible mistakes
  • Yes, if you are a good speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you've come up with!

Wedding not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year,... we can make things work for you 

Just imagine leaving your entire presentation in the hands of skilled wedding speech consultants who will take away your pain of spending hours thinking hard and long about what to say and what not to say.

Also, envision being patiently guided to say something that will leave a favorable impression on the mind of your listeners.

And also imagine the thrill and feeling of excitement and pride you’re going to experience when the audience leap onto their feet and scream and shouts and even sing your praises.

Won’t you love that? I hope you do...

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some daughters are still getting engaged and asking their parents to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every parent could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your daughter and soon-to-be- son-in-law, and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.  

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.   

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

Ok, here’s how it works

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire via email. Check your email a few hours after you’ve submitted your request for your questionnaire.


1)CLICK HERE  NOW TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind!

  1. After that, we will send you a very short questionnaire to fill out via email! You only have to check your email a few hours after you have made your request.
  1. Then, you fill out the questionnaire sent through your email, and please have it sent back to us…
  1. We will confirm receipt of it…If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify….
  2. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft in a couple of hours if this on very short notice….If not, after a few days
  3. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it--although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  4. Then, we ask you to pay for it. It's as simple as that!

Just a reminder of what you pay after it’s duly completed.

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, some daughters are still getting engaged and asking their parents to give speeches.

Nonetheless, not every parent could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.

So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.

Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future.

Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.  

So, please take advantage of it now even if your daughter’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.  

Please note: Your speech draft comes with a proven and simple tip to master your speech or remember your speech just as you want it without carrying a paper with you.

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise, and clarity!

''Hi, Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.

All the best,


Please note: Don’t fill out this form if you’re a dishonest individual. This offer is for a limited time.

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

You don't have to worry about paying our per speech for now.

Forget about money and let’s write something for you. We believe in the values of honesty and integrity and we think you should be happy with our work first.

So, Here Are The Benefits You Get When You Get On Board!

  • A great speech written by our wedding speech consultants that reflects what you want to say exactly
  • We coach you on how to use your voice to make your speech very exciting.
  • We show you a simple but often overlook strategy to rehearse your speech even if you have a very poor memory. This method is used by great speakers like Obama and was used by Abraham Lincoln and his compatriots
  • The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head without memorizing your speech. Guaranteed to help you even if you have a very poor memory or your memory is like a gold fish…most of our clients still wonder where we got this idea from. This ensures that you don't read off a sheet of paper...

Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise and clarity!

''Hi Dan,

The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice).  Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.

All the best,


  • Ways to include humor in your speech and what it takes to do so

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!

Remember, you have to see your speech first before you pay. So, you can relax and let us sweat it out at our expense!

''The wedding was GREAT. There were about 120 guests. About 15 people came up to me afterward and told me I gave a great speech. I had to tweak it a little because of my tardiness getting it to you but, it all turned out great. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it''- Phil Australia