CEO Speech or Letter Feed

CEO Speech Writing Assistance or CEO Speech Writer (Now Let The Pros Help You With Your Speech...How? Just Scroll Down This Page)


Dear CEO or Director,


I am  Beth,

I love my employees (I call them my co-workers!). Towards Christmas last year, I wanted to delight them and show my appreciation for their drive and dedication.


After considering several options, we organized an end of year party and I felt the most endearing way to show how much I love and care about them was to deliver a good speech highlighting what we've achieved together and thank them for their help and support.


But, juggling work and family meant I had little time to spare. Besides, finding the right words was like pulling out a child’s tooth.  Looking for help everwhere, I frantically landed on this page you are currently reading and it made all the difference. 


This Helped Me Out!


Initially, I was skeptical when Dan and his team said they could help give a great speech even if I hated speaking in public or short on time. Well, I remember the old age nothing ventured, nothing gained. So, I took a leap of faith when I found that I didn’t have to pay first to get my speech and that allayed my fears. I thought I had nothing to lose after all.


Quickly, I got started by first filling out this form. Dan and his team delivered as promised. 

Below is the note I sent to Dan after he'd transmitted my speech. (Please you can double click on the image if you can't see it clearly)


Ceo speech to employees samples


On D-day I delivered my CEO speech and my team thanked me profusely for recognizing their efforts.

Now, let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.


We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out!


Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire .


Beth's not the only person we've helped. Please see these notes from some others too.(Please you can double click on the image below if you can't see it clearly)

CEO speech or letter


This is also another letter we got from an old client(Please you can double click on the image below if you can't see it clearly)

Ceo  speech to employees


Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  


Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this as we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!


Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.

CEO Keynote Speech: How To Write A Great Keynote Speech Like A Pro

Are you the president, CEO, director, or manager of your organization? And are you looking for tips and ideas to help you write and deliver a memorable and inspiring keynote speaker?


If you answered yes to that, then you are at the right place at the right time because I am going to share with you everything you need to know about writing a great keynote address.




So, please stay tuned. 


Imagine turning on your email to see a message from a renowned organization asking you to give a keynote address at their annual convention! They have chosen you because of your experience and expertise in your chosen field or career.


You most likely would be excited to read that note or letter. But your excitement can soon fizzle out when you suddenly realize that you are new to this game. Will you give in or try to make this work? Hence, solidifying your reputation.


That happened to Alina when she moved with her family from Ukraine to settle in the US twenty (20) years ago. As new immigrants, life was a bed of thorns for her family. But she worked hard to earn a name for herself in the automobile industry that her accomplishments and novel ideas were legendary.


Once, she was asked to deliver some brief remarks to the Ukrainian community in Denver and this kept her up at night until she’d delivered her CEO keynote address despite the odds. 


You see, an overwhelming majority of CEO’s and other bosses often find themselves in Alina’s shoes and even wonder how best they can deliver their keynote presentations with purpose and clarity when they are asked to deliver one.


Ceo keynote speech examples and samples


No matter how you feel about this, this task should be a very proud moment. It shows you are loved, respected and admired for what you do. 


In effect, your audience is waiting to hear your story from you.  A simple yet profound story about how you made it so they can apply the lessons learned to their own enterprises. However, your content should go in tandem with your presentation skills so you can motivate and inspire them to put those ideas into practical use.


Just like any other kind of speech, there are a few steps or process to follow if you want to write a great CEO keynote speech without breaking into a sweat. There are actually four processes involved here if you want to make this work for you. They include:

  • The pre-writing process
  • The writing process
  • The pre-performance process
  • The performance stage


Now, let’s start with the pre-writing process.


If you have never delivered a keynote speech before or it's been a while since you gave one, then I recommend that you first watch a few video clips about how they are delivered.  Below are two great clips you can watch and learn from.


Here you go:


Keynote Speech Video Sample#1(video)



Keynote Speech Video Example#2(video)



I hope you enjoyed listening to both clips and learned a thing or two from watching them?


Have you thought about this one too?


You see, video clips are not the only thing that can give you an idea about how to deliver your presentation.  Guess what? Well-written CEO keynote speech templates or samples do not only give you the structure and format of your message but also furnish you with brilliant ideas and thoughts you can insert in into your speech.


In the next few lines, I am going to share with you a well-written keynote example. In between in the text, I will share my thoughts and insights, so you can figure out what goes into writing a memorable CEO keynote address and do the same.


Here you go: 

CEO Keynote Speech- Example #1

Keynote Address at the RSA Conference 2017 “The Need for a Digital Geneva Convention” Brad Smith President Microsoft Corporation San Francisco, California February 14, 2017


BRAD SMITH: Good morning. As we’ve already heard this morning, we come together in San Francisco at a remarkable time. We live in a world of constant and at times turbulent change. And when we think about the issues that we're here to talk about this week, when we think about cybersecurity, we are clearly dealing with a growing problem – a problem in need of new solutions. I would like to take a few minutes this morning to ground ourselves in the problem and then talk together about some of the solutions I believe we have the opportunity to pursue together.


But let's start with the problems. The problems are clear. We see them everywhere. We see them in the customers who are worrying about being hacked. We see this in the data about the economic loss that will be suffered. But more than anything, if you think about what has happened over the past year, if you think about the changes in cyber-attacks, I think we should come together and reflect on one thing, one thing that has clearly made the situation even more challenging – that is the entry of more nation-state attacks. We've seen cyberattacks move from enthusiasts to financial thieves to now governments around the world. And think about the decade we are traversing. The decade began with a report about a prominent nationstate attack. We've seen these issues burst into the news in terms of geopolitical controversies.


Comment/Writing ideas: Most writers or speakers or even experienced keynote speakers always recommend that you begin your keynote with something interesting and that’s so true. It could be a joke or a story or a fascinating statistic to kick start your presentation.


But this speaker did otherwise by sharing the challenges the industry is facing. He calls it ''we are clearly dealing with a growing problem.'' Clearly this writer didn’t have the time and patience to entertain his audience. That critical moment demanded that he speaks to the facts because of  an imminent threat.


As you may know, your opening remarks set the tone for everything that follows. To make your introduction unique, it should be engaging and inspiring. Are you wondering how you to make a moving one that will make the audience remember what you said for a long time to come?


It’s so easy and I am happy to share with you the following proven tips and ideas so you can hook your audience with a great opener.


First, you can start with an all-time favorite: storytelling. You love stories, right? The former ‘’CEO’’ of America used stories to open his keynote speech at the 2004 DNC Convention keynote speech and his listeners loved every bit of it.


Here’s an excerpt of his introductory remarks that galvanized the delegates to eventually elect him flag bearer.


‘’Tonight is a particular honor for me because, let's face it; my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely. My father was a foreign student, born and raised in a small village in Kenya. He grew up herding goats, went to school in a tin-roof shack. His father, my grandfather, was a cook, a domestic servant.

But my grandfather had larger dreams for his son. Through hard work and perseverance my father got a scholarship to study in a magical place; America which stood as a beacon of freedom and opportunity to so many who had come before. While studying here, my father met my mother. She was born in a town on the other side of the world, in Kansas. Her father worked on oil rigs and farms through most of the Depression. The day after Pearl Harbor he signed up for duty, joined Patton's army and marched across Europe…’’


Second, you can start with a joke. A good one can lighten a particularly tensed atmosphere. This keynote speaker did that so well at a leadership summit and succeeded in bringing the house down.



Well, there are simple ways of introducing humor into your presentation even if you are not a naturally funny person. You may tease someone or add a little bit of self-deprecating humor. For example, when Mark Zuckerberg gave his annual keynote speech after appearing before congress to discuss data privacy issues, he poked fun at himself by saying:


‘’ Now you're gonna be able to bring your friends together. You can laugh together, and cry together. Some of my friends actually did this! Let's not do that again anytime soon ‘’


Well, here are some really cool ways of making your opening remarks humorous.

  • Depending on the theme of your CEO keynote address, you can come on stage in a rather weird way by dressing like a comedian. Then, you can explain why you had to dress that way to such an important function. You may take it off when you get to the crux of your story.


  • If you can’t do that, you may probably share a funny story you’ve ever heard if it has some connection to the theme of your keynote speech.Here’s an excellent video example you can watch and learn from by the eloquent customer service manager Mark Sanborn to make your opening address hilarious.



  • To make your story interesting, you can bring a few props up there and explain why you had to bring them along. Do you remember when Bill Gates released a harmless swarm of mosquitoes to make a point at a TED conference in 2009?


  • If you don’t have anything to say, you can mention a well-known fact that keeps you up at night. For example, if your industry is experiencing a major setback, you can dive right into that briefly and explain why it gives you insomnia. Let me ask you this simple question: What are you most worried about? Use that to come up with your opening remarks. 



Writing tip/homework assignment: Please go back and read the above ideas and see which technique you want to start your CEO keynote speech with. Can you do that? 



Ok….we are not done yet…Let’s move on to the body of the example we are currently reviewing. 


Cyber attacks move from enthusiasts to financial thieves to now governments around the world. And think about the decade we are traversing. The decade began with a report about a prominent nationstate attack. We've seen these issues burst into the news in terms of geopolitical controversies.


The Sony attack, I believe, in many ways was a turning point. Here was a nation-state attack not for espionage, not related to the military, but to attack a private company for engaging in freedom of expression around, as it turned out, not a terribly popular movie. (Laughter.) But it got our attention. And in the two and a half years since, we've seen these issues evolve even further.


Let's face it, cyberspace is the new battlefield. The world of potential war has migrated from land to sea to air and now cyberspace. But cyberspace is a different kind of space. Not only can we not find it in the physical world, but cyberspace is us.

How to write a keynote speech

For all of us in this room, it is us. Cyberspace is owned and operated by the private sector. It is private property, whether it's submarine cables or datacenters or servers or laptops or smartphones. It is a different kind of battlefield than the world has seen before.


And that puts us in a different position. It puts you in a different position, because when it comes to these attacks in cyberspace, we not only are the plane of battle, we are the world's first responders. Instead of nation-state attacks being met by responses from other nationstates, they are being met by us.


And as we think about that change in the world, we should reflect upon one other as well. It's a sobering thing to think about, but consider this: For over two-thirds of a century, the world's governments have been committed to protecting civilians in times of war. But when it comes to cyberattacks, nation-state hacking has evolved into attacks on civilians in times of peace.


This is not the world that the internet's inventors envisioned a quarter of a century ago, but it is the world that we inhabit today. And above all else, I think nation-state attacks call on us as employees, as an industry, as private citizens to ask ourselves one fundamental question: What are we going to do? I think there's three things that we should consider, and I'd like to talk about each of these three this morning.


The first is to start with what each of us has the opportunity to do ourselves, because everybody in this room and every company that is here is doing new and important things. We have all recognized that we each need to do more.

At Microsoft, we're doing many things. In many ways, it starts with an obvious reflection. Just a few minutes ago, before I came on stage, somebody here in the audience tweeted that every company has at least one employee that will click on anything. (Laughter.) That's why 90 percent of intrusions begin, unfortunately, with a phishing email. That's why we as a company, as one of the major email providers in the world, are so focused on strengthening email protection.


Whether it was last year through our Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection that scans email, spots malware and destroys them before they can do damage … or the addition of our Advanced Threat Intelligence that informs enterprises of the nature of attacks and the people who are being attacked and makes recommendations….


Or the announcement that we made last week about advanced data governance tools, tools that include alerts that let enterprise administrators and others know when someone is trying to download an email inbox. But I think we've all learned over the last couple of years that our single biggest advance in fighting all forms of cybercrime is probably not features, as important as they are, but instead, our ability to harness the power of data.

As a company, our datacenters are connected to over a billion end points. We get over a trillion data points each and every day. Our Advanced Threat Protection and our email scans 200 billion emails a month for malware. All of that data is the game-changing defense mechanism in our ability to combat this problem.


At Microsoft, we've built three groups and we've brought them together in what I think is a pretty unique partnership. It relies in the first instance on our Threat Intelligence Center, our reconnaissance arm, our people who are reviewing the data that is coming in from our 200 different cloud services.


When they spot a problem, they hand it off to our Cyber Defense Operations Center so they can go to work not only to protect our own services, but customers as well. And they, in turn, work with our Digital Crimes Unit so we can innovate in legal processes to take action. Starting last summer, we began to see new nation-state attacks that were aimed at creating fake domains, getting people through phishing attacks to click on them, and then using them, as we often see in these circumstances, to use malware to extract email from customers.


We innovated, we went to court, we got a new form of court order so that domain could be transferred to us and the data that was coming back from customers that were infected would go not to the attacker, but to sink holes that we created. Using this approach, we've been able to address nation-state attacks and transfer 60 domains on six continents, letting the customers know that they were the victim of a nation-state attack and helping them clean up their system. That's a step forward.


But more than that, I think we all need to recognize the obvious. We are far away from declaring victory.We are going to need to do more and we are going to need to do more together if we are going to address this problem effectively.


We need to recognize that the time has come for us to come together as an industry around the world to call on the world's governments. We need to call on the world's governments to come together. They came together in 1949 in Geneva, Switzerland, and that is what led to the recognition that they needed the Fourth Geneva Convention to protect civilians in times of war.


Now is the time for us to call on governments to protect civilians on the internet in times of peace. And there is progress on which we can build. Just two years ago, in the summer of 2015, experts from 20 nations came together and put forward a new set of norms, principles that governments could consider. It represented a big step forward in terms of international agreement.



And more encouraging in many ways still was what happened a few months later when the United States and China sat down across the negotiating table, talked directly and frankly about an issue that was important to both of them, and came up with a new pledge and plan to put the cybertheft of intellectual property out of bounds. That was then endorsed by the G20 two months after that. Let's face the obvious.


There are new issues that we need governments to come together and address in 2017. There is an opportunity for a new president in the United States to sit across the table with the president from Russia and take another step forward to address the attacks that concern the world. And we then need to build on that with a global convention.


What we need now is a Digital Geneva Convention. We need a convention that will call on the world's governments to pledge that they will not engage in cyberattacks on the private sector, that they will not target civilian infrastructure, whether it's of the electrical or the economic or the political variety.

Ceo keynote speech


We need governments to pledge that, instead, they will work with the private sector to respond to vulnerabilities, that they will not stockpile vulnerabilities, and they will take additional measures.


Comments/Writing ideas: As you are pretty much aware, the body of any keynote speech is fairly easy to write. But most folks struggle to jot down ideas to form a very interesting story because it’s not so easy to bring together your scattered thoughts and emotions to form a very meaningful piece.


To make the presentation of your ideas very fluid, you should first know something your audience. This will help you define and refine the content of your message.


For your message to be compelling, it should be laden with practical tips that will compel your listener to closely examine his or her work in the light of your message. With a view towards making the needed improvements.


It shouldn’t be hard to come up with some action-packed ideas for the body or outline of your speech if you provide answers to these simple questions and use them to formulate the content of your speech. 

  1. Who are you going to talk to?
  2. What’s the theme of your message?
  3. Are you going to use any props?
  4. Are you going to work with slides or incorporate other multimedia?
  5. Are you going to weave in anything musical like playing guitar or adding any song to the mix?
  6. Does your presentation involve tons of data or any research work about the topic you are writing about?
  7. Do you want to throw in a few stories to support the theme of your message? What are those stories?

Action Tip:
Please go back to the points above and write down as many points you can remember about what you are going to speak about.
Then, try to connect your thoughts together to form a logical presentation. You may call that a rough draft. Don’t worry about how it flows because you can always go back to edit your keynote script.


We are not done yet. Let’s continue with this by looking at how to write the conclusion. Please study it carefully.

And, perhaps as much as anything else, we need governments to take a page out of the 1949 Geneva Convention and other instruments that have followed.


What the world needs is a new independent organization, a bit like the International Atomic Energy Agency that has addressed nuclear nonproliferation for decades. We need an agency that brings together the best and the brightest in the private sector, the best and the brightest in academia and the public sector.


We need an agency that has the international credibility not only to observe what's happening, but to call the question and even identify the attackers when nation-state attacks happen. That is the only way that governments will come to recognize that this is not a program that will continue to pay off. That is all in the area of steps we need governments to take.


But there's a third are we should touch upon as well. It also calls on us. It's great that we do so many things alone. We now need to do more together. If you look back at what happened in 1949, the world's governments realized that they could not protect civilians in times of war without a private organization – the International Committee of the Red Cross.

While we don't have the same kind of organization, we have within these walls many people from many organizations.


And as a global technology sector, we need to come together as the ICRC did in 1949. We need to sign our own pledge in conjunction with the world's states. We need to pledge that we will protect customers, that we will focus on defense. We need to be concrete in showing and pledging how we will collaborate with each other to respond to attacks. That we will provide patches to all customers everywhere, regardless of the attacks that they face. That we will do our part to address the world's needs.

In effective, even in an age of rising nationalism, we as a global technology sector need to become a trusted and neutral Digital Switzerland. We need to be a global industry that the world can rely on to play 100 percent defense and zero percent offense.



We need to make clear that there are certain principles for which we stand. We need to be clear that we will assist and protect customers everywhere. That is what we do regardless of the country from which we come. We need to be clear that we will not aid in attacking customers anywhere, regardless of the government that may ask us to do so.


These two principles have been at the heart and soul of what we've been doing at our company, at your company, and across the industry. We need to stay on that path. We need to make the case to the world that the world needs to retain its trust in technology. We need to retain the world's trust.


And regardless of a government's politics or policies or individual issues at any moment in time, we need to persuade every government that it needs a national and global IT infrastructure that it can trust. And the only way it can have that is if it knows that our industry is focused on protecting everyone everywhere, and 14 attacking or assisting in attacking no one, anywhere, at any time.

As we think about all of these things, I think there's a lot on which we can build. Because the truth of the matter is even though we work in a hypercompetitive and fast changing industry, I would say that our industry has never been more united. It is coming together to address new and challenging issues, whether it's the questions around artificial intelligence that the world is increasingly talking about.


We're not just working together in new and important ways, we are learning from each other. I think a sense of humility is a positive force that can affect and help us all.


Certainly at Microsoft, we've appreciated the leadership that Google and Facebook first took with respect to nation-state attacks. And we quite obviously, adopted what was working for them because we believed it would work for everyone. And as we think about the opportunities that we have to work together, as we think about our role in the world today, just as we came together last year at an important moment in time when everyone was focused on the Apple case, there is an obvious issue that is uniting our industry today that I think has some relevance as well.


As the country and the world talk about immigration, they look at the technology sector. And they recognize that as an industry, we in many ways have brought the world together.

We bring the world together through our technology and our products and the connections that we forge with people across borders every day.


But it's more than that. We almost uniquely have brought the world together under our own roofs. At Microsoft in Washington State where I work, a high majority of our employees were born and grew up in the United States. But we also have employees from 157 countries. Every day, when I park my car and I walk into the office, I sometimes reflect upon the fact that I feel that I work at the United Nations of information technology.


And our company is not unique. Every company in our industry is like that. We have brought the world together. And it has put us in a position to forge perhaps almost a unique level of mutual understanding and respect for the needs of people around the planet. As we think about protecting the planet, as we think about addressing nation-state attacks, that is a powerful force that should inspire us, and on which we can build.

Let's use that inspiration. Let's use what we have learned. Let's build on what we can share with each other. And let's go forward and show the world that it needs us to be what we can be when we're at our best – an industry that can serve the world.


An industry that earns everyone's trust every day. An industry that even in an age of nationalism, is a neutral Digital Switzerland on which everyone can depend and rely. Thank you very much. (Applause.) END


Comments/Take home ideas: Your conclusion serves two purposes primarily.

First, to summarize everything you’ve said or end with a note that propels your listeners to take positive action or even come up with new solutions and ideas to their own unique problems.  Here are a few ways of wrapping up on strong note.


First, you can end with a note of encouragement. I particularly liked how Alibaba Founder Jack Ma concluded his keynote speech when he addressed his audience at Alibaba’s Gateway’ 17 in Canada. These were his parting words.

‘’ I want to encourage everyone here that using the internet. Do business with China. And whether you do business through Alibaba or Ebay or Amazon or whatever, that’s okay. This is the skill every small business must have. And if you want to open a huge market, China is the market. If you can’t find your customer from 1.4 billion people, then you really have a big problem. ‘’


Second, you can end by asking your audience to support each other to achieve a common goal. President Obama did that with his concluding remarks at that same convention when he said that: 


‘’ America, I never said this journey would be easy, and I won't promise that now. Yes, our path is harder, but it leads to a better place. Yes, our road is longer, but we travel it together.  We don't turn back. We leave no one behind. We pull each other up. We draw strength from our victories.

And we learn from our mistakes. But we keep our eyes fixed on that distant horizon knowing that providence is with us and that we are surely blessed to be citizens of the greatest nation on earth. Thank you, God bless you and God bless these United States.’’


Third, you can restate the key points of your speech towards the end or how your company is thriving in the midst of challenges. Orica CEO, Alberto Calderon stated this clearly when he addressed the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia.


‘’ We are continuing to control all the elements we can. We are transforming Orica into a leaner, more efficient organization. Efficiencies are being embedded in the business to counteract the cyclical declines in volumes and prices that our industry has experienced.

We have worked hard to ensure that as an organization, we adapt to changing circumstances and shape our destiny over the years. Moreover, we are actively building a culture that supports our people, and that ensures that we work collaboratively with each other and with our customers, to create recognized value for us and them. We are deeply committed to our customers being at the forefront of everything we do, while understanding our value to them is in the assurance of consistently safe, reliable and quality products and services. Thank you.’’

Keynote speech examples

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out!  

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.

Acceptance Speech or letter for a leadership position:  How to easily write a thank you acceptance speech or letter for a leadership position at your workplace, school, club, society or even in your church


Have you been elevated as the CEO, Manager, Director, or President of your organization or club?


And are you looking for easy-to-follow ideas and tips to help you write an inspiring thank you acceptance speech for that new position?


Just stick with me for a few minutes and I will share with you helpful tips and ideas to help you express your exact thoughts and emotions into very beautiful words.


''People don't get promoted for doing their jobs really well. They get promoted by demonstrating their potential to do more''- Tara Jaye Frank


That quote beautifully captures the story of this hardworking woman who rose through the ranks to head a business community after many years.

Having worked with several women’s groups and initiatives since 1977, Lorraine had seen firsthand what women go through in different stages of her life. So, her life’s mission had always been to empower women and give them a strong voice.


After half a century of relentless passion and determination of being a women’s advocate,  she was tapped to head The Catalyst group in 1999 and at a dinner, she gave what was possibly the most important and memorable speech of her life. A speech she remarked was in her mind the whole time she’s been working with the Eve’s of the modern world.


In the next few lines, I am going to share with you the acceptance speech she delivered at the awards dinner so you can learn from her and adapt the lessons learned to write your own script.


After we have looked it over, I will break it down bit by bit like finely grounded stone particles so you can figure out what to say and what not to say when you are called upstage to deliver your thank speech for that new position


First and foremost, I would urge you to grab your journal and notepad and take notes as we go through it like two best friends. Are you ready to get started? Ok, here’s Lorraine’s entire speech.


How to write an acceptance speech for a leadership position


Here you go:

Acceptance Speech for a New Position (Example/Template)


Good Evening. I am thrilled to be here. Thank you, Cathy.

I am deeply honored, humbled, and incredibly excited to be standing here before you tonight as the new leader of Catalyst because the power and commitment of this community—of all of you—is extraordinary. I want to thank the Catalyst board, staff, and Supporters.


These events: the Conference today on the Future@Work and the Dinner tonight would not be possible without you. Your commitment and passion for our mission are remarkable and it inspires me every day.


Thank you, Bank of America, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Eli Lilly and Company, and Schneider Electric. Your bold and forward-thinking initiatives are this year’s recipients of the Catalyst Award.


Thank you for showing us that we can make real change through intentional commitment to action. I’d also like to thank our Lead Conference Sponsor: Target. (A 4-time Conference Sponsor!)


Our Future@Work Trend Session Sponsors.Our Dinner Chair Sponsor, Chevron and Mike Wirth.


Our Champions For Change Reception Sponsor: Nationwide and Gale King – who is also a Women On Board alum.


Our Board Reception Sponsors: Shell Oil Company and Sodexo.Our Highest Donors, that are listed on the screen.


And all of you tonight who have enabled us to raise $4.92 million to support our mission.

I also want to give a special thanks to Ilene Lang. Your support has meant so much to me during this transition. I pledge to do my best to honor your legacy and take it forward.



I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead this community in support of my lifelong passion: advancing women in the workplace.


I have benefited from the work of Catalyst for my entire career. And I am honored now to have this amazing platform to pay it forward.


When I joined IBM—our 4-time Award winner—in 1977 they already had a progressive culture that enabled women to successfully advance in the workplace.  So much so, that I decided to return after taking a leave to get my MBA at Harvard.


And it was the right choice. IBM invested in me valued me and I had role models that inspired me like Ellen Hancock who was an executive at IBM in the ’80s and later became my mentor when I was an executive in Silicon Valley. She is in the audience tonight at the Colgate-Palmolive table where she has been on the board since 1988 and I would like to thank her.


Throughout my career, I have worked to pay it forward whether by serving on the board of Watermark, one of the top women’s leadership organizations in Silicon Valley at the US Department of State creating their Global Women’s Entrepreneurship initiatives or at the New York Academy of Sciences advancing girls in STEM.


As Jacquie Hinman, a Catalyst Board Member, said to me during the interview process “I bet you feel like you have been preparing for this all of your life.”

And yes, that is exactly how I feel.



I’m especially excited to be leading Catalyst at this pivotal moment in time.

We are at an historic moment in the evolution of workplaces and gender equality. There’s so much energy and momentum on this topic right now.The MeToo movement has been incredibly important because it has raised our collective awareness that there are still systemic issues and barriers for


Since I entered the workplace in the ’70s on the heels of the women’s movement, there has not been such momentum and we need to seize this moment.



We’re in the midst of a generational shift in the makeup of our workforce. Millennials already outnumber baby boomers.

A recent survey stated that 77% of millennials in the U.S. think there should be gender balance at home and at work.

And I have seen this very personally. My highly accomplished son, who is expecting his first child in May, plans to take a three-month paternity leave and is moving to Boston for his wife’s career. He even did the baby registry!  I can tell you that did not happen in my household in the ’80s.




As leaders in the business community, you more than anyone see the forces shaping the workplace. The war for talent is real and it’s only going to get tougher.


In the coming years, talent retention is going to be a bigger and bigger issue, because the global workforce is shrinking and is more mobile. So, if you want to continue to attract the best talent, your organization needs to be a place where employees want to be.


And that means a place where they feel like they belong. Diversity and inclusion are more critical now than ever before. When people feel safe, they feel free to express themselves, to take risks, to speak up about concerns.


They become more engaged and that drives innovation, competitiveness and financial. Social movements, globalization, changing demographics and rapid technological change are impacting everything.


It’s time to redefine what work looks like to create a more equitable, inclusive and fulfilling workplace, where everyone has equal opportunity to reach their full potential.

This is one of our most important priorities To help define the future of work. To help shape that discussion. Today’s conference is just the beginning. Everyone in this room gets it.


You are the leaders in this space and together we have an enormous opportunity, to lead the way. How we respond at this critical moment in time can have a profound effect on that future. It’s going to take all of us, working together, to make the right change happen.



When I was working in Silicon Valley, I learned a great deal about technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship but the most valuable skill I learned … was partnership. I observed that the companies that were the most successful built an ecosystem of partners.


And that is how I think about our work at Catalyst. Catalyst has a great legacy of pioneering research and thought leadership. We’re going to keep building on that with you, our partners, the Catalyst community.

We will be expanding our research on the intersection of gender, race, and ethnicity globally. And we will continue our work on Creating Inclusive Work cultures.

One of our new initiatives is the Catalyst Inclusion Accelerator which we just launched today. It is a premier diagnostic that helps companies identify how employees and teams experience inclusion, so they can make real change.

It’s been piloted with 15 supporters and is informed by decades of Catalyst research.

With this data, we are going to continue to learn from you, evolve our understanding and share the learnings back.

We want to make sure we keep developing programs that are practical, actionable and scalable…so we can impact change across as many organizations as possible.

With the launch last month of our new web site, we are enhancing the support of our community through better navigation and enabling virtual communities where all of our supporters can share best practices and learn from each other. Please give it a try. You will be amazed at the depth of content.

And we will continue to champion the mission through initiatives like hashtag bias correct that we launched with all of your help on International Women’s Day.

And, we are privileged to be partnering with all of you to make it happen.



Never before has so much been asked of CEOs and senior leaders.

In addition to running your companies, you are expected to provide guidance on key economic and social issues.

People are distrustful of so many institutions, but they trust their employers, and they expect them to comment on critical issues.

This means that you—our corporate leaders—are more important than ever in setting the direction for our collective future.

By instituting policies and programs that support diversity and inclusion and by role modeling the right behaviors you are influencing millions and millions of people around the world.

In an era of increased fragmentation, together we can show the world how it’s supposed to be.


We can show the world what a safe and inclusive environment looks like and what it feels like.

As partners in this journey, we can create a future that works for women, and for everyone.

As I said at the beginning, I’m thrilled to be leading Catalyst at this historic moment in time.

And I’m excited to have such great partners to work with like our four Award winners.

I’m also so fortunate to have such a committed board of CEOs who truly walk the talk and are playing key roles in advancing women in the workplace.

Tonight’s board member and Dinner Chair Mike Wirth, the CEO of Chevron, is also an extraordinary example of leadership in this area.

He has been a supporter of our Men Advocating Real Change or MARC programs for years.

He intuitively understood that to make change happen, you can’t leave men out of the conversation.

And, we all know that despite what the headlines would have you believe the vast majority of men are good, honest individuals who want to help. They want to be part of the solution.

They just don’t know how to participate.

So, Mike embraced our MARC program and he adapted it to Chevron, creating “MARC Teams.”

And you know what?

He pushed it farther and made it more successful.

And he brought those lessons back to all of us.

So we can learn, adapt, be better and share the learnings with all of you.

That’s the true meaning of partnership, how together, we all are going to move the needle.

Thank you, Mike, for your commitment to Catalyst and to our cause.

And I also want to give a big thanks for your generous support of Catalyst.

Chevron has just invested $5 million to help scale MARC 10x. Our largest investment ever!

Thank you all so much for your time and support. I look forward to working with each of you over the coming years and encourage you all to support our mission.

I’d now like to turn the program over to Mike.




That is inspiring, right? Now, let’s dive right in by analyzing what went into creating this passion-empowered acceptance speech. As you are pretty much aware, every speech has an introduction, body, and conclusion.


I think we can make this fairly easy to write by starting with the introductory address. To make things fairly easy to write, we are first going to look at excerpts of it before I share my thoughts on it.


Here you go:

‘’ Good Evening. I am thrilled to be here. Thank you, Cathy.

I am deeply honored, humbled, and incredibly excited to be standing here before you tonight as the new leader of Catalyst because the power and commitment of this community—of all of you—is extraordinary.

I want to thank the Catalyst board, staff, and Supporters.

These events: the Conference today on the Future@Work and the Dinner tonight would not be possible without you. Your commitment and passion for our mission are remarkable and it inspires me every day.

Thank you, Bank of America, Deutsche Post DHL Group, Eli Lilly and Company, and Schneider Electric. Your bold and forward-thinking initiatives are this year’s recipients of the Catalyst Award.

Thank you for showing us that we can make real change through intentional commitment to action.

I’d also like to thank our Lead Conference Sponsor: Target. (A 4-time Conference Sponsor!) ‘’


Is there anything you learned from that? If you go back and read this carefully, you will realize that the opening remarks is purely based on extending gratitude to people who have helped you reach thus far in the corporate field.


No matter what kind of acceptance promotion remarks you wish to say, your opening address should be infused with notes of gratitude. You didn’t get to where you are due to how hard you’ve worked but also the contribution of positive-minded personalities who have sacrificed their all so you can reach the top.


Acceptance speech remarks for a position


So, it’s absolutely necessary to mention who they are and their influence in your life. You can mention people like:

  • Your own parents
  • Your children
  • Your spouse


If you are taking up a position at a church, workplace, or at a school, you can add extra personalities to the list. At a church, you can mention and thank God, the pastor, elders of the church, spiritual guides, and the entire congregation.


At a club or society, you can mention and thank your forerunners, mentors, fans, and so on.


At a workplace, you can express gratitude to your predecessors, the board of directors, employees and staff and customers.


Afterwards, you can outline your vision for the organization and encourage everyone to work hand in hand with you to achieve the objectives of the firm. This can be worked into your script if you just want to deliver a thank you acceptance speech for a promotion. 



Well, if you wish to delve deep into the speech like Lorraine accomplished, then you can elaborate on your introductory remarks. Once again, let’s go back to our example and consider the following lines carefully. 


''I am thrilled to have the opportunity to lead this community in support of my lifelong passion: advancing women in the workplace…

When I joined IBM—our 4-time Award winner—in 1977 they already had a progressive culture that enabled women to successfully advance in the workplace. ''


On a closer look, you will notice that the above extract comes right after her thank you note to the catalyst board, staff, supporters and conference sponsors. They are actually part of that introduction.


That’s how most speakers start their promotion speeches. But, there are other proven ideas you can start with and I am happy to share a few of them with you.


First, you can start by sharing how you felt when you were promoted. I think it's easy to write that, right?




Second, you can start with a story that has some similarities with what you are going to talk about. It could be a story about how you joined the firm, what happened on your first day of work  or why you decided to take up that position.



Third, you can start with a few quotes. Here are some really good witty lines you can use.

'' You were hired because you met expectations, you will be promoted if you can exceed them '' ~ Saji Ijiyemi

'People don't get promoted for doing their jobs really well. They get promoted by demonstrating their potential to do more''- Tara Jaye Frank

A successful career will no longer be about promotion. It will be about mastery.Michael Martin Hammer

Promotions will come and go, but your hard work will always shine and show.Anonymous

You cannot just expect a promotion to come from the sky.Jesse White


Can you start your intro with any of those quotes? Can i help you out? Ok..let's go

My elevation as CEO reminds me of a quote by Jesse White that says that you cannot just expect promotion to come from the sky. I read it before i got my first job 30 years ago when i was a newspaper boy...

Did you notice i used to accomplish that task? That's how it's done.



If you are stuck for ideas on how best to start or you simply have no clue, you may watch a couple of videos like these ones to help you get started.


Acceptance speech for a leadership position---example #1




Acceptance speech for a leadership position---sample #2



Now, let’s see….

How to Write the Body or Content of Your Speech

Once again, let’s go back and draw inspiration from the body of our example.

‘’ I’m especially excited to be leading Catalyst at this pivotal moment in time.

We are at an historic moment in the evolution of workplaces and gender equality.

Since I entered the workplace in the ’70s on the heels of the women’s movement, there has not been such momentum and we need to seize this moment.

We’re in the midst of a generational shift in the makeup of our workforce. Millennials already outnumber baby boomers.

A recent survey stated that 77% of millennials in the U.S. think there should be gender balance at home and at work….

As leaders in the business community, you more than anyone see the forces shaping the workplace…..


In the coming years, talent retention is going to be a bigger and bigger issue, because the global workforce is shrinking and is more mobile…

Diversity and inclusion are more critical now than ever before…

Remarks for acceptance speech for a position

Social movements, globalization, changing demographics and rapid technological change are impacting everything.

It’s time to redefine what work looks like to create a more equitable…’’


If you ask me or anyone which part of your acceptance promotion speech is the least difficult to write, I will look you in the eye and say ‘’the body. ‘’ Why?



It’s so because it’s a narration of events that have really transpired over the years. But here’s the thing. Your thoughts on paper can be a real mess if you have no idea where to start from and that can bog you down with no end in sight.


The trick is to get a proven plan you can work with and stick with it until your ideas are exhausted. If you want to make this aspect of your speech less demanding, you first should create an outline for your message.  These pointers can help you develop one.


So, ask yourself these questions and write down answers next to each one of them.


  • How many years have you been at your church or workplace or school?
  • Do you remember when you first set foot there?
  • What were your goals and vision from the time you arrived?
  • Has working there been your lifelong dream?
  • What are the changes you’ve seen in the organization over the years?
  • Are there any shifting trends over the years? If so, can back your claims with some form of evidence?
  • How impactful has your place of work or association impacted your life or your co-workers?
  • What has been the overall impact of its activities on your team members?
  • Do you have a memorable story you wish to share?
  • What do you bring on board and how are you going to rally your co-workers to work harder to achieve the goals of the organization?


Having looked at that, let’s now look at…

How to End Your Thank You Acceptance Speech with a Bang

As usual, we will recap the last few lines of Lorraine’s message.

‘’ Thank you all so much for your time and support. I look forward to working with each of you over the coming years and encourage you all to support our mission.

I’d now like to turn the program over to Mike.’’


That'snot too bad. Not great either because it sounds cliché. Let’s put on our thinking cap and try to come up with some cool and new ways of ending on a memorable note.


  • If you have nothing to say, just end on a gracious note by accepting the position and pledging to work with everyone.
  • Second, ................................ 
  • Third, can you think of any other way to close your acceptance speech?

What to say at dinner for work promotion

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out!  

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.

CEO Speech or Letter to Employees: How to Easily Write A Message to Your Staff That Will Inspire and Motivate Them to Their Fullest Potential

Are you the CEO, manager, director, boss or the president of your organization?


And are you looking forward to writing and delivering an inspirational message that will not only inspire your employees but also persuade them to be very productive employees?


If you answered yes to any or even all of that, then please stick with me for a while because I am going to share with you ideas and tips about…


  • How to write an inspiring speech or message to your employees
  • How to use well-written CEO samples or examples to employees to easily express your thoughts and ideas with clarity and purpose

… a lot more ideas to help you express what you wish to say



I tend to liken being a boss of an organization to being a train driver or engineer where the train engineer controls the direction of the train.

You, are in essence, the ‘’train engineer’’ of your company. By virtue of your role, you have to deliver small talks from time to time to propel your team to achieve set goals and objectives.

Speech to employees samples by CEO

Is that something you do quite often or all the time? Yeah, I think you do that most of the times because CEO's are renowed for that.


Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of bosses miss the mark when it comes to inspiring their teams with the right words because they are not great with words.  Others who are blessed with the gift of gab don’t prepare well enough and often end up not giving it their all.


No matter how you feel about making presentations and speeches, you still have to figure out a way to make your messages stick because when they do, they will enhance productivity and ultimately boost the ego of your employees.


Believe it or not, your words can make a positive difference by first figuring out the kind of message or speech you wish to deliver, how it will be delivered, and its intended purpose.


The following pointers can help you consider the kind of speech you wish to make and your choice should be based on the prevailing circumstances or events at your workplace. For example, if you are leaving the workplace, then it makes sense to deliver a departure speech.


Ok, please let’s go through the list carefully.

  • Are you going to deliver the dreaded CEO layoff speech?
  • Are you in hard times and do you wish to deliver a CEO motivational speech to your employees?
  • Have you been newly appointed? Or is it your first day at the workplace and do you want to make a CEO welcome speech or message?
  • Or it’s simply a message to welcome new employees?
  • Are you leaving the firm and do you want to deliver a befitting farewell message?
  • Has the year come to an end? And do you want to entertain your staff with your annual CEO Christmas speech?
  • Are you going to deliver a CEO New Year Speech because you are in a new year?


Picking one from the above list will ultimate set the tone for the theme of your message or presentation. As a reminder, you should pick one based on the events or circumstances at your workplace.


For example, if it’s a New Year, then you have to deliver an end of year or New Year CEO Speech.  You may go on to tell them about the theme for the year. In this scenario, I might pick a theme like this one: ‘’ (2022 Our Year of Purposeful Innovation) ‘’. You can further explain why you've chosen that theme for that particular year. 


Having established the theme or purpose of your speech, you can share a few memorable stories about how your firm’s best innovative practices have driven your company to where it is at now. You may back it up with at least two successful case studies if you don't want to drag on. 


Ok…As we read further, I will share with you two examples. Then, I will break break it down bit by bit and add my thoughts and observations and ideas to my analysis so you can understand it better.


Before we look at the examples, let’s first consider this. If you don’t have enough experience speaking to your employees or you are new on the job, then it’s best to fill your mind with great ideas so you don’t get stuck in the process.


Do you want to know where you can get those great ideas? and similar places like that!  Well, I got these two great video examples you can watch and learn from.

So please sit back, watch them, learn from them and see if there are ideas in each video clip you can adapt to your own script.


Here you go: 


CEO Speech to employees----video#1



CEO Speech to employees----video#2



Did you enjoy both clips? I did and got a few insights from watching both clips!


By the way, here are the two examples I promised you earlier. What you should know is that the ideas you will discover in the templates below can be applied to any kind of speech you are thinking of writing. 


Please let’s read through them before we discuss it in detail.


Here you go:


Here’s Example#1:


CEO Motivational Speech or Letter to Employees by Victoriya Boklag, CEO of United Group


Dear colleagues,

A happy new year to you all! I hope you celebrated the start of 2022 safely and in good spirits with family and friends. As we mark the final days of the festive season, I want to take a moment to look back on 2021 and thank you all for your contributions over the past 12 months.


2021 was another transformative year for United Group. It was a year in which we strengthened the business further, growing our ranks by welcoming new members and rolling out important initiatives that will help to guarantee our continued success in the future.


Among these are the extensive investment programmes across various markets including build-out of 10G fixed networks and 5G mobile networks, as well as investments into new television studios and original content.


Working together we made good progress toward our strategic goals despite significant challenges – not the least of which were ongoing disruptions from the pandemic that continues to have such a substantial impact on our own work and home lives, as well as on the lives of our customers.

Ceo message to employees


I was proud to see how quickly we adapted to each new challenge and how teams from across the company collaborated with one another to make the most of every opportunity. Great examples of this include the successful rebranding of Vivacom Bulgaria and Nova Greece, as well as the introduction of EON in Bulgaria, Croatia, and Greece, meaning our TV platform is now available in all our markets.


We also took other important steps, such as sealing a deal to acquire Greek telecoms operator Wind Hellas and reaffirming our commitment to being a sustainable business by formalising our approach to ESG.


Over the past year you’ve all demonstrated over and over again our strengths as an organisation and made clear that when it comes to United Group, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This is because we are an ambitious team that sets high goals and a talented team that works hard to achieve them.


The work we are doing is more relevant than ever today. The products and services we provide are an integral part of people’s lives. Our customers rely on us to keep them connected, informed, and entertained and I’m pleased to say that in every market they recognise our efforts to serve and delight them.


2022 is set to be another exciting year for us. We can look forward to working further on the many initiatives to deliver the best services and technology, an outstanding customer experience, and amazing content.


I want to thank you for your continued commitment and effort. Every one of us has an important role to play in the work ahead and I’m confident that together we will achieve great things.

I wish you and your loved ones a happy and successful 2022!




Ok…..we are not done yet.


Let’s look at…Example #2: CEO Inspirational Speech or Letter to Employees by Masaaki Tanaka, President & CEO of Nippon Paint Holdings


Congratulations on your joining the Nippon Paint Group companies. We have a total of 110 of you here today who decided to join the Nippon Paint Group, attracted by our businesses, technologies, people and brands. I look forward to working with you.

The business climate has been affected by COVID-19 pandemic, which started at the end of 2019. COVID-19 also affected your job-hunting activities, requiring you to have job interviews online. However, vaccinations started in Japan this year. The Japanese government, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the IOC are making preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.


In view of these recent developments, I chose “re,” as in recovery, resilience and return to normal, as the letters that embody my expectations for this year. All these “re” words are powerful words that express the hope for and commitment to creating an environment for moving forward. I hope everyone will make a fresh start with a forward-looking attitude.

The Nippon Paint Group celebrates the 140th anniversary of its founding this year. Our Group has over 3,500 employees in Japan and more than 34,000 employees around the world. We have recently defined our Purpose that serves as a guiding philosophy to bind our Group together.


The Purpose Statement is: “Enriching our living world through the power of Science + Imagination.” This expresses our commitment to making our world better and sustainable by using our technological strengths to tackle social challenges and to contribute to increasing wealth in society. I expect our new employees to embrace the Purpose that defines the Nippon Paint Group’s shared identity and feel the bonds that bind our Group together worldwide.

Nippon Paint Holdings has dramatically expanded the scale of global operations following the acquisition of 100% ownership of the Asian JVs and the Indonesia business and the integration of the automotive coatings business across regions and countries. These actions advance our businesses to a new stage as a globally integrated organization. In addition, we acquired 75% of the equity of a Malaysian company in March.


The pace of our global business expansion is picking up. I’m confident that the Nippon Paint Group is well positioned to continue growing by leveraging our overwhelming competitive superiority as a leading company in the global paint industry.

With SDGs and ESG at the core of management, Nippon Paint Holdings uses “spider-web management” for facilitating autonomous collaboration and cooperation between our Group’s companies in Japan and other countries to create synergies within our Group. We will continue to aggressively seek M&A opportunities to further expand the network of our partner companies around the world.

How to write ceo speech to your staff or employees

I believe all of you have had an experience in your life that taught you that “team efforts are the critical element for great achievements and creating new value.” I hope everyone will keep teamwork in mind with every action you take as a member of the Nippon Paint Group.


By becoming a member of a company, you will learn that you can accomplish things together as a team what you cannot do by yourself. I call this thinking the “Power of Teamwork.” I encourage everyone to take the initiative to become involved with different people and create the Power of Teamwork.

I hope everyone will realize your potential in our Group’s globally diversified work environment. For this purpose, I encourage everyone to learn English and Chinese. The ability to communicate in foreign languages will facilitate communications with your fellow workers outside Japan. In addition, learning another language will enrich your career and lives.

Since you have joined the Nippon Paint Group during this period of change, you will be required to respond to changes. In this context, I suggest that you make it a habit to doubt conventional wisdom and ideas. It often happens in the business world that the conventional wisdom is proved wrong. The ability to break through the conventional wisdom is what you need to respond to changes.

As my final remark, I would like to express my wish that you will fully utilize your capabilities in your workplace with the pride that you are an important member of a team that is carrying on the proud history of the Nippon Paint Group, which is a leading corporate group in Japan. Our company is changing in many ways, even now, and I want everyone to be involved with those changes. What’s more, I’m hoping that you will make changes happen.

Finally, I extend my best wishes for a fulfilling career at the Nippon Paint Group starting today.


Now, we are about to delve deep into how these examples were formulated. So, go grab your note pad or journal and jot down some ideas as we do this together.


Do you ever remember your High School saying that most essays and speeches have three main sections? So, it is with all these examples.  All speeches have introductory remarks, body or content, and the final remarks or conclusion.


Ok, let’s start with the introduction since it sets the tone for the rest of your presentation and its premise should be based on the theme of your speech.


For example, if you are speaking to new employees, you could use your introductory lines to crack a few jokes to make the atmosphere light. You can also use your opening address to thank them for joining your firm and reassure your new staffs that you will always be around whenever they need help.


Inspirational ceo speech to employees


Yet again, if you are delivering for example, an end of year message, then your opening remarks can be spiced with some notes of gratitude as seen in this extract:

‘’As 2020 draws to a close I want to take the opportunity to look back on a year that turned out much differently than anyone could have imagined. While it was certainly challenging in many ways, it also showed how strong we are as a company – even in the toughest of times.

So, I want to thank you all for the hard work and commitment you’ve shown over the past year. Our combined strength is what makes us successful as a company.’’



All in all, the ideas in your opening lines should be a reflection of the kind of message you are going to deliver.  


Ok, let’s move on to….


How to Write the Body or Content of Your Speech to Your Employee

To do that easily, let’s recap portions of the second example to guide our steps.


‘’ The business climate has been affected by COVID-19 pandemic, which started at the end of 2019. COVID-19 also affected your job-hunting activities, requiring you to have job interviews online. However, vaccinations started in Japan this year. The Japanese government, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the IOC are making preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer.


In view of these recent developments, I chose “re,” as in recovery, resilience and return to normal, as the letters that embody my expectations for this year. All these “re” words are powerful words that express the hope for and commitment to creating an environment for moving forward. I hope everyone will make a fresh start with a forward-looking attitude…‘’


Commentary/Take home points/Writing ideas:

Although, putting together your scattered thoughts and ideas seem like a high mountain to climb, it’s very easy to write this part of your speech if you have a faint idea of what to say.



To put your ideas together in a coherent manner, you should first create an outline of your CEO speech by outlining the key points of your remarks and supporting it with stories or events that have happened within the organization.


A little brainstorming can go a long towards accomplishing that. For example, if you are delivering an end of year message, you can come up with answers to the following questions which you can later develop into a full-fledged speech.


This is what i want you to do right away. Grab your paper and pen and write down answers to these questions: 

  1. How did the last year go?
  2. What were the main highlights of the year?
  3. What were some of the challenges you faced together as a team?
  4. How did you resolve those challenges?
  5. How did those challenges inspire you as the leader of the team?
  6. What lessons did you learn the past year that will shape the organization in the New Year?
  7. Which persons do you want to express gratitude to?


P.S:  If you are pressed for time and have to come up with ideas on the fly, you can ask your employees to write one thing they want you to talk about. Believe me, you will get plenty of great feedback from your employees if you ask them to send in their contributions.  For the most part, your ideas for the content of your speech should be related to the kind of speech you wish to make. We talked about those at the outset of this article.


Finally, let’s look at this summary from our second sample or template so you can figure out how to write the ending remarks or conclusion of your CEO speech to employees.


‘’ In this context, I suggest that you make it a habit to doubt conventional wisdom and ideas. It often happens in the business world that the conventional wisdom is proved wrong. The ability to break through the conventional wisdom is what you need to respond to changes.

‘’As my final remark, I would like to express my wish that you will fully utilize your capabilities in your workplace with the pride that you are an important member of a team that is carrying on the proud history of the Nippon Paint Group, which is a leading corporate group in Japan. Our company is changing in many ways, even now, and I want everyone to be involved with those changes. What’s more, I’m hoping that you will make changes happen.

Finally, I extend my best wishes for a fulfilling career at the Nippon Paint Group starting today.’’


Comments/Take home points: Depending on the message the circumstances of your speech, your last words should give your employees a sense of assurance that you always have their best interests at heart.


Take for example, this extract delivered by CEO Bob Bradway’s letter to Angen employees when covid 19 forced many firms to shut down.


“COVID-19 hit us hard,” he said. “It knocked us down a few times, but we have always gotten back up. We are still standing. As I write this note, more than 300 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered around the world – a remarkable achievement for our industry. The end of the pandemic may not yet be near, but it is within sight. We will tell our children and grandchildren what it was like to live through this time. I hope at least part of the story you tell will be that you worked with people and for a company that helped make a difference.”


Second, you can also use your closing remarks to thank them for their support and conscientiousness.



For example, if you are leaving the organization, you can single out key individuals who have contributed massively towards making your tenure very successful.


Third, if your organization is going through several challenges, you can use your closing remarks to strike a very empathic tone.  Here’s an example to buttress this point.


‘’ This pandemic has shown it is necessary to continuously transform our businesses to adapt to new eras. The unprecedented and sudden nature of this pandemic has changed our way of life, but it also represents an opportunity to review our ways of making life better. HOYA will continue to contribute to society and evolve and thrive together with you ‘’.


Fourth, if you are speaking to new workers, you can tell them your expectations and I think these brief lines can work well in this regard. 

“The last expectation has to do with teamwork. If you need help, you should ask for it. No one should feel that his or her position is in danger when he or she feels a better job can be done with a little help.

You should also provide help when you can and when it would help others do a better job.

No doubt this means that you will be making extra efforts and personal sacrifices. Those efforts will be recognized by the people around you and may eventually even lead to material improvements in your situation.


But at a minimum, you will realize that some days you, too, need help. Having provided it, you will be gratified when your colleagues step up to do the same. “Those are my expectations. Please let me know if we are falling short in these areas.My door is always open. Thanks for listening and once again you are welcome to  Jim Fed! ”

Generally, your speech should always come from the heart and convey the feeling that you care for your employees.

That’s what made this CEO Arthur Demoulas the apple of his organization’s eye.  


Unfortunately, many bosses don’t covey any empathetic tone when they address their teams. Some just mention quotes and give statistic after statistic without stating the benefits or effects of what that means to the worker.  


While that has its own place, real human stories are the heartbeat of every CEO Speech. So, it’s best to use to use stories when it becomes absolutely necessary.

Ceo speech to employees

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out!  

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.

CEO New Product Launch Speech: How to easily write a memorable product launch speech for a new product or service that will compel your customers and prospects to buy in droves


Are you the president or director or manager or CEO of your company? And are you looking for tips and ideasto help you write an inspiring speech for your new product or service launch?


Just stay with me for a couple of minutes and I will share with you tips and ideas about…

  • How to easily write a successful new product or service launch speech like a pro
  • How to use product launch or service speech examples to say what’s on your mind at your project launch

…plus lots of great ideas you can incorporate into your own message.




Ok, let’s start and do this together. Let me begin by saying that there have been many memorable product launches in history.

I can talk about Steve Job’s IPhone launch and the Dollar Shave Club Launch. Did you ever watch both product launches? I am sure you heard about the IPhone launch, right? It’s probably the most memorable product launch in recent history given that that it was the first time the world had ever seen something unique like that.


Well, you’ll agree with me that one of the most exciting events on your company’s calendar is your product or service launch. Think back to the last time it happened and you will understand the importance everyone attaches to it: especially your customers, prospective buyers, and shareholders!


Ceo product launch


Come to think of it. Your customers trust you and some of them love your brand as though you were their own kith and kin.  So, they are always on the lookout for innovative and useful products and services that will make their lives much better and easier.


Once, you make an announcement that you are coming up with something new, they will be on cloud nine and you have to make sure your product or service meets their expectations.


The burden of anticipation is so huge that can you can feel this palpable excitement on your employees and clients faces on the day of your launch. Now, its launch day and you have to make good on your promises. What you say and how well you say it can make all the difference in your bottomline.


What’s more, what you say will either increase their loyalty and retention or can ultimately result in product recall if you screw up. If you have never made a CEO new product launch speech before, it can be very intimidating.


At this point, I am sure you’re probably wondering what you are going to say at your CEO product launch?

I am so glad you’ve asked this question. I am going to share with you a good product speech example. Why? Because CEO product launch samples or templates can furnish you with lots of great ideas that can help you figure out how to communicate the benefits of your product or service in a way that will resonate with your clients or customers.


If you are new to this altogether, then I suggest that you watch a few video clips of how such presentations are made so you can get a fair idea of how to deliver one of the most important speeches of your professional life.


Please click on the play button for each video, spend a few minutes watching both clips, learn from these visual examples and write down ideas you think you can work into your own presentation.


CEO product speech sample- video#1`



CEO product launch opening speech examples- video#2



Videos are not the media to learn from. Also, well- written examples have enormous potential to help you put together a very persuasive pitch that will compel your customers to buy your product or subscribe to your service in droves.


So, right now, I am going to share this superb product launch example Steve Ballmer gave when his company, Microsoft launched Windows 7 in 2009.


Below, is the complete transcript. After we’ve read through it, I will break it down bit by bit and share my comments, thoughts, observations and couple of writing ideas that can help you write yours the way you want it. 


Here’s the full text of Ballmer’s presentation: CEO Product Launch Speech Sample/Template

It is a great honor and privilege for me to have a chance to be here today. I’m an enthusiastic personality, I think. I get a little fired up about things. And I’ll tell you, there’s not much that gets me more fired up than the chance to start selling, delivering, and letting customers enjoy Windows 7.


So today Windows 7 is available—45,000 stores around the world. It’s available on new PCs, the upgrade is available, and it’s just out there for all to start, hopefully, to appreciate and enjoy as much as our 8 million beta testers have done.

Ceo product speech samples

So today I get to say not only that I’m Steve Ballmer and I’m a PC, but I’m Steve Ballmer, and I’m a Windows 7 PC effective immediately. What is Windows 7 at the end of the day? What were we really most trying to do? We were trying to make the everyday usage of the PC better in the ways our customers wanted: Simpler, faster, more responsive. 


And so for the billion people who use Windows, for the perhaps as many as 300 million people who may buy a PC during the course of the next 12 months, we want to give a chance for people to have a better and better experience and at the same time, enable a world of new opportunities, new applications to do new things that you’re going to have a chance to see and witness as you’re here with us today.


What’s special about Windows 7 and the way it came together and why I think we have a little extra special secret sauce somehow in the making of Windows 7. And it really came about from an intense collaboration between our own engineering organization and our partners, a group of about 50,000 partners, software vendors, hardware vendors, peripheral vendors, and our customers. And our customers. 


Whether it’s all of the data that we get back from customers about how they’re using Windows and what they’d like to see different and improved, whether it’s the feedback we got from the 8 million beta test customers, all of that came together in a very unique blend. 3,000 world-class engineers at Microsoft, 50,000 partners with umpity-ump engineers there, and then the 8 million customers. And the 8 million customers were people from all around the world, 200 countries. 


You had teachers, small business owners, soccer moms. You had people stretching, if you will, from grandparents to gamers, people stretching from Australia to Iceland. Across the planet, feedback coming in from people in all walks of life really helping us think about and improve and make Windows 7 and Windows 7 PCs what our customers, I think, will really, really want.


One of the favorite things that the development team did during the course of building Windows 7 is create this thing in one of the R&D buildings that they called The Wishing Wall. And on the Wishing Wall, they collected and put up just a ton of customer feedback.


Things that they called technical feedback, emotional feedback, to try to really bring alive in the physical world all of that information that we were getting back in the virtual world to help us tune the product. 


And to all of our customers who participated in giving us that input and feedback, I really want to have a chance to thank the beta test customers, and I want to thank all of our Windows users as we’ve gone over the last several years and literally hundreds of millions of new people have bought new PCs with Windows Vista and Windows XP.


 They’ve given us a lot of feedback that has allowed us to build a product that I think takes things really to a very, very new level.


I talked about simplicity but I want to give you a little bit broader characterization of Windows 7 overall. I think of Windows 7 in three major buckets: No. 1, it works the way you want to work. You want that computer to fire up quickly, boom. You want it to feel responsive, boom. You want longer battery life, boom. We needed to make those things work — simpler, faster, more responsive, leaner, less busy. And I think we’ve accomplished that with Windows 7.

Inspiring product launch speech by ceo or director of an organization

No. 2, the things that you do all the time need to be simpler. You want to manage the windows on your desktop, you want to find the documents you most frequently use. Let’s make that stuff super, super simple. And then No. 3, let’s enable a world of new things, new possibilities for software developers and hardware developers and for end users.


So you get a technology like multi-touch, which enables people to build new computers and new software. You get literally, I would say, from an end user perspective, dozens or hundreds of new features. And our experience throughout the beta test program is that everybody finds their own unique set of features to fall in love with. A road warrior like me, I love the new wireless networking.


Media lovers like my three teenage sons—well, one of them is a little younger than that—my three sons, they really love the home group features. And everybody finds, from an end user perspective, the things that delight them and we’ve enabled a whole new world of possibilities for the hardware and software community. And I think that forms kind of the essence of what Windows needs to be.


Windows needs to be an incredible opportunity for innovation for hardware companies, software companies, and it needs to be a place that is simple and easy to use and opens up the world of diverse innovation for the end user in a way that is manageable and consumable by billions of people around the world. 


Windows 7 takes us a step closer to the vision that we articulate that focuses in around three different screen sizes—PC, phone, and TV—all connected and communicating across the cloud, the Internet backbone.


We launched a new generation of Windows phones a few weeks ago. Today, you’ll see how that connects in and fits in the Windows 7 environment. We’ll show you new approaches today to use Windows 7 PCs to power scenarios that are entertaining, that run on your television set.


And so we continue to move down this path of allowing the intelligence and information that you expect to be across all of the devices in your world, at home and at work, giving you the information, the entertainment, and the socialization, in addition to the productivity that you would expect. We’ll have a chance to show you some of how this comes together in just a minute as Brad Brooks starts his demo.


Today is a very good day. But the center, I think, of the day is really the product itself. And so what I’d like to do now is to invite up on stage Brad Brooks, Vice President from our Windows Marketing Group, and Brad is going to give you a fairly extensive walk-through of the product that is Windows 7 and some of the new Windows 7 PCs.




That's it.  Now, let’s see how you can write something close to that, if not better based on how the above example was scripted. As you are pretty much aware, every speech has these three main sections: introduction, body or content and the conclusion.


So, first and foremost, let’s start by looking at the introductory remarks. Here are extracts of it.

‘’ It is a great honor and privilege for me to have a chance to be here today. I’m an enthusiastic personality, I think. I get a little fired up about things. And I’ll tell you, there’s not much that gets me more fired up than the chance to start selling, delivering, and letting customers enjoy Windows 7.

So today Windows 7 is available—45,000 stores around the world. It’s available on new PCs, the upgrade is available, and it’s just out there for all to start, hopefully, to appreciate and enjoy as much as our 8 million beta testers have done.

So today I get to say not only that I’m Steve Ballmer and I’m a PC, but I’m Steve Ballmer, and I’m a Windows 7 PC effective immediately. What is Windows 7 at the end of the day?  ‘’


Comment/writing ideas: It’s always a great idea to greet your audience and let them know how you are if you are not a ‘’celebrity boss’’ like Steve.


Afterward, you can go ahead and let everyone know why you are up there on that stage.


Next, you mention some individuals or personalities who made it all possible. Don’t forget to say a big thank you to your customers for their support and loyalty over the years.


Action Tip/Homework Assignment to help you write your introduction:First, taking inspiration from Steve’s intro, can you write a very simple but inspiring opening address?

Second, which personalities do you want to express appreciation to and what do you really want to tell them?

How to write a ceo product launch speech


We are not done yet. Please let’s keep this going by looking at the lines which comes right after the introduction.


Here you go:


‘’So today Windows 7 is available—45,000 stores around the world. It’s available on new PCs, the upgrade is available, and it’s just out there for all to start, hopefully, to appreciate and enjoy as much as our 8 million beta testers have done’’


Comments/Writing Ideas: Most product launches usually start by building anticipation for the new product or service by talking about the previous one and what lead to the upgrade or the new product.


Steve Jobs was an expert at this and you can tell from reading this article how he masterfully talked about the previous products and services before launching the IPhone.


Steve Balmer didn’t do that here. But he dived right in with this launch.Somewhere in the middle of the speech, he gave some great reasons for the enhancement.


Let me digress here for a moment. If you have an impressive catalogue of products, you can begin by mentioning them and how they have enhanced your customer’s well-being. 

If you are not known for that, you can say why you are introducing this new product or service. Some CEO’S state the features and leave out the key benefit of your products or services.


Let me ask you this: Do you have a list of products and services? And can you briefly mention their benefits? If so, please jot down the very popular ones and state the obvious benefits.  They should be something that hits on the pain points of your customer.


Again, if you are doing a launch on a day like mother’s or father’s day, you may let them know why you are doing your product launch on that day. One company launched a skin product on mother’s day and gave out skin products to the women and mothers who couldn’t make it to the event. Who would forget such a launch?


Action Tip/ Homework assignment: Do you want to share with the press and your customers that lead to the product or service upgrade or you want to heighten expectations by giving a step by step account of what happened before the launch. Either way works if only your customers can always count on you like fresh air. So, start by writing down the features of your products and match them with the benefits. 


Now, let’s look at parts of the body to help us write the body or content or outline of your product launch speech:


Again, below are excerpts to guide us every step of the way. Here you go:

''What’s special about Windows 7 and the way it came together and why I think we have a little extra special secret sauce somehow in the making of Windows 7….. Whether it’s all of the data that we get back from customers about how they’re using Windows and what they’d like to see different and improved, whether it’s the feedback we got from the 8 million beta test customers, all of that came together in a very unique blend………

You had teachers, small business owners, soccer moms. You had people stretching, if you will, from grandparents to gamers, people stretching from Australia to Iceland. …

One of the favorite things that the development team did during the course of building Windows 7 is create this thing in one of the R&D buildings that they called The Wishing Wall. …………And to all of our customers who participated in giving us that input and feedback, I really want to have a chance to thank the beta test customers, and I want to thank all of our Windows users I talked about simplicity but I want to give you a little bit broader characterization of Windows 7 overall. 

I think of Windows 7 in three major buckets: No. 1, it works the way you want to work. You want that computer to fire up quickly, boom. ……..

No. 2, the things that you do all the time need to be simpler. You want to manage the windows on your desktop, you want to find the documents you most frequently use…


And then No. 3, let’s enable a world of new things, new possibilities for software developers and hardware developers and for end users. So you get a technology like multi-touch, which enables people to build new computers and new software…''



Comments/Writing Ideas: Customers love it when get to know that you have actually acted upon their feedback and that’s what the great Microsoft has done by sharing what they did with the data.


You can also do that by writing down the features of your new product and the benefits to the customer. A proven way to get to the heart of your message is bring out the pains customers go through and the effects (good and bad) it has on the user.


Remember, each point you raise should be connected somehow to the solution your product offers. You may use multimedia (in the form of photos, videos and success stories) to support your presentation or give it a visual appeal. Remember, your presentation needs to be interesting and engaging to engage your customers and prospective ones.


Don’t forget to thank your customers for their support and sharing feedback. You should also thank your own team too: the engineers, research and development team, the sales team, customer service folks, etc. If you can’t mention all their names, just thank each department. You may pay special tribute to certain individuals who have played a huge role in your product or service launch.


Now, let’s look at how to write the closing remarks of your product launch speech.


Again, let’s go back and look at a few lines from the example above so we can figure out how to end with a bang. 


Here you go: 

‘’ And so we continue to move down this path of allowing the intelligence……….We’ll have a chance to show you some of how this comes together in just a minute as Brad Brooks starts his demo.

And so what I’d like to do now is to invite up on stage Brad Brooks, Vice President from our Windows Marketing Group, and Brad is going to give you a fairly extensive walk-through of the product that is Windows 7 and some of the new Windows 7 PCs.‘’


There are actually several ways of ending your product launch speech other than the usual closing note ‘’ thank you for listening’’ which I find rather lame and uninspiring.

Here are some tried and tested ways successful CEO’S and managers have used to wrap up on a memorable note.


First, you can ask your listeners and customers to buy your new product. That may come with a discount for the early shoppers.

It doesn’t end there. You should go further by telling them where it’s available. In brick and mortar stores? Online channels? On your social media channels?

You can send a broadcast message to your customer fan base after your product launch presentation and let me know where they can buy your product and services.


Second, you can do a live demo of your product as the above example shows. If it’s very easy to use, you can bring a customer on stage after your product demonstration and ask him or her to try it. It shouldn’t just be a random guy. But, someone who have tried your new product or service.




Third,  you may even give free samples of your product or samples to the press and those present and they will share the news with their friends and family.


Fourth, if you have a good story to tell about how your product solved a customer’s problem, you can conclude your remarks with that testimonial or an effective case study. If that person is well known like a respected celebrity, then you can laugh all the way to the bank.


Fifth, you can combine all of the above techniques and your speech will be a hit.

Action Tip/ Homework assignment: Do you want to end with a simple thank you note or wish to end with one or more of the above closing techniques.

What to say about product launch speech

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out!  

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.


CEO End of Year Speech or New Year Message to Employees: How to Easily Write an Inspiring End of Year or New Year Message That Will Motivate Your Staff to Maximum Productivity


You are in the right place at the right time if you are the CEO, president, boss, manager or director of your company and are looking for easy to follow ideas to help you…


  • Write a motivational New Year message to your employees
  • Write an inspiring end of year or annual message or letter to your staff


…plus a whole more ideas you can add to your speech so your employees can be inspired to work even harder




There’s no doubt that the work of a CEO is pretty hectic and stressful. There are a lot of responsibilities that go with being the boss of your firm or organization.


From working long hours as the head of your firm, to directing and implementing the vision of the corporation, to directing profitability to communicating with the board and being there for your employees, you have a lot of burdens on your shoulder.

Ceo speech to new employees


On top of all that, you have a family that looks up to you and if you don’t strike the right balance, you can lose your sanity! So, it’s only appropriate that at the end of every year, you wind down with your family and friends and prepare for the next one.


All too soon, another year is here with us and I would like to wish you a blessed new year! You and your team have worked so hard and may this year be a year of success in your career. May you land on big projects and deliver them successfully. Have a wonderful New Year ahead!


Well, since you are the source of inspiration to your team, you have to start the New Year on the right note by delivering a CEO New Year message that will inspire them to their fullest potential.


I know you give one every year and that’s okay. But i think this particular one should be unique from every other word you’ve ever uttered.


How can you make a stirring New Year speech or message that incorporates your organization’s strategy and vision for the New Year? That's a question I guess is on your mind.


It’s actually simple. It begins by first studying very brilliant examples and watching videos that propelled a firm to achieve their set targets in a given year. You have to because such video clips have lots of insights and ideas that you can weave into your own speech.


First and foremost, let’s look at this video by Stephan Sturm, CEO of Fresenius Stephan. He delivered this speech at the height of the covid-19 pandemic. He talked about the challenges the global health pandemic wrought in his industry and what his team did to meet the challenges head on in that same year.


CEO New Year Speech or End of Year Message to Employees #1: Video


Here you go:




In the next video, Alan J Balch, CEO of Patient Advocate Foundation gives a brief account of what he and his staff achieved together during the height of the global pandemic and what he anticipates would happen the following year.


CEO End of Year Message to Staff or New Year Message #2: Video


Here you go:




That’s not all. Let’s look at this one too by Tan Sri Dr. Jeffrey Cheah AO, the founder and chairman of the Subway group. 



There’s a reason I included this last example. If you really want to make your message visually aesthetic, then I recommend that you re-watch that clip for great ideas about how you can make your message very unique.


Did you know that these can also help you out: CEO end of year speech or message samples or templates? They are useful because they can take the guesswork out of writing a motivational CEO end of year or New Year message since it contains several insights you can blend into your speech.


Let’s quickly look at these two. Afterward, I will break down the second example down bit by bit with a view towards sharing valuable lessons and inisights that you can use to write a very inspiring New Year or End of Year CEO or director speech.


If you are pressed for time, then please head right to the second example because that’s where you can find my analysis.


CEO End of Year Message/New Year Speech to Employees: Example #1


First, let’s start with the New Year message of President and CEO of Tighe & Bond, Bob Belitz.


Here you go:

As we enter 2022, we’re taking a moment to reflect on this past year, but more importantly, we are looking forward to where we are headed as a firm. Our work environment continued to be unpredictable in 2021, with COVID-19 impacting how we work, the needs of our clients, and priorities for our staff.


While many facets of the workplace seem to have changed permanently, many tenets of our business remain unchanged. In the face of these uncertainties, we continued to grow and expand our capabilities to serve our clients and deliver quality projects, build out our systems and processes, and invest in the people of our employee-owned organization. A successful business model needs to continue to adapt, and we are ready as we enter the New Year.



Reinforcing Our Commitment to Our Vision

While the unique circumstances of the past two years have certainly influenced our approach to day-to-day operations, it has not changed our overall goal of developing strategies and initiatives in support of our vision of “Choice employer. Choice consultant. Choice investment.” This vision captures our goals of being a great place to work, a trusted advisor to our clients, and a firm where employee-owners want to invest both their time and capital.


An organization’s core values are always incredibly important, but more so than ever given the ever-changing work environment. 


We retain our steadfast devotion to our core values of integrity, excellence, reliability, safety, commitment, and respect. These values continue to emphasize our commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace.



This is an incredibly exciting time to be part of our industry. The stimulus funds available at all levels of government will provide unprecedented opportunity for our public clients to invest in and upgrade their infrastructure.


To support those needs, we will continue to invest in our strategic expansion across the Northeast and by delivering innovative and full-service solutions to holistically address clients’ needs through our Whole Asset Approach. Our twelve offices across the Northeast and staff of close to 450 employees allow us to offer broad expertise in a regional service model.


End of year speech by ceo to staff


Giving Back


Giving back through our “Make a Difference” program is always at the heart of our firm. Our employees understand the needs of our communities more than ever during these uncertain times. Our team continued to volunteer for numerous organizations; whether it was participating in environmental cleanups, helping food delivery organizations, mentoring kids in STEM programs, or aiding frontline workers at local hospitals, our employees continue to step up in times of need.


A Note of Appreciation


I would like to acknowledge and thank all of our clients and business partners for their support and trust in our company. I would also like to extend my deepest appreciation to Tighe & Bond’s exceptional staff.


Thank you for exemplifying our core values and producing the high-quality work our clients expect. Our success is due to both our clients and the commitment and talent of our dedicated staff. We look forward to the New Year and the future, together.




CEO End of Year Message/New Year Speech to Employees: Example #2


This second example was delivered this year by CEO of Pharos System International: Kevin Pickhardt 

Here you go:


I wish a very Happy New Year to all of our partners, customers and friends on this first month of 2022!

As one year welcomes the next, millions of people are taking this time to reflect on the past year to assess what was and to envision the year ahead to make choices on what can be. So, I take this moment to share some of my thoughts with you.

Most anyone would describe 2021 as anything but a normal year. I heard one commentator referring to this past year as a ‘lost year’, but I believe 2021 challenged us to be more alive and more aware than most years.


With so many unknowns between the pandemic, the impact of social distancing on work and life, the challenges of global supply shortages, the impacts of fires and natural disasters, unprecedented cybersecurity threats, and so much more sent our way, it is easy to feel lost and destabilized.


However, the challenge to each of us has not changed. Each and every year, and each and every minute, our challenges are the same – to grow in resilience as individuals and a society. That is, to accept whatever life presents us and expand our ability to respond in the healthiest way possible.


I believe this is what it means to be human, to live a good and meaningful life. Any living being, individual, organization or society measures its health by its ability to adapt. Witness the adaptation of the virus to find ever new ways to accelerate its growth.


We are no different, needing to assess the world as it is and choose actions that accelerate growth. This is why 2021 presented us so many opportunities to be more alive and more human than most years. It asked us to become more alert to changes around us and more adept at choosing healthy responses.


This is true for Pharos as well and how we serve in the world. While our customers’ fundamental needs changed little this past year – they still needed to create environments in which employees can work effectively and efficiently from wherever they may be, optimize the use of assets (the most valuable of which is time), and ensure a secure and safe work environment for their employees and customers they serve – the way those needs present themselves changed considerably.


The new hybrid workforce (working from home, the coffee shop and elsewhere) has become a longer-term reality, not the blip we once anticipated. This accelerated digital and cloud transformation from a vision of the future to today’s reality. Zero infrastructure and zero trust networks are becoming widespread – even mandatory in the Federal Government. There is more pressure than ever to act and adapt quickly and decisively.


In 2021, Pharos worked to support our customers facing these challenges. We significantly increased our investment in our safe, zero trust, global cloud printing infrastructure, enabling our customers to serve their end users better while reducing the time and cost burden on IT to manage the growing complexities of the new hybrid reality.


We welcomed more clients to our cloud printing platform than in any other year, improving their employee experience and saving them time and money. We adapted our technologies to be zero touch so that employees can feel safe in shared workspaces. We developed a corporate at-home printing solution that can simplify remote printing without losing the security and tracking required in today’s cyber-threatened workplaces.


In short, we listened to the new problems that our clients are experiencing, and we adapted our services and technologies to meet them.

In a time of significant reductions in office printing, we experienced a strong year of growth serving our current clients. Printing may have declined, but as one client put it, printing remained a ‘dial-tone’ service that must be supplied to workers – even if in ever new ways.


Even as the omicron variant of COVID threatens renewed closures and worker shortages as we begin 2022, it also may usher in a final, and less severe, wave of infection. We will adapt – because that is what healthy species do.

I look into the coming days with great optimism – because I look at the people around me, my Pharos colleagues, and those of you we serve and I see the hills we have climbed together. I know that there is no mountain too high for those committed to climb it.


Thank you for the faith you show in Pharos, and the choices you have made to make us part of your journey. We will, in 2022, strive every day to earn the great honor you do us by being a part of our journey. We wish you health, happiness, faith, and resilience in this New Year!


Now, I am going to comment on that sample extensively, so please take note of my comments carefully as you study it.


You may come along with your pen and note pad or journal to jot down ideas that you think resonate with you.

Please take note of this before you even think of jotting something down. You first have to decide if you want your message to be delivered as a letter, email, or in the form of a speech presented right in front of a camera.


That will form the basis by which you write your message. If you look at both examples(1&2) above, you will notice all CEO end of year messages/new year speeches begin with notes of gratitude.




You have other diligent employees who helped you achieve your annual goals and objectives. So, you should always start by writing down a small thank you note. It could be a general note to your employees, clients or customers, sales team as well as the board of directors.


Unfortunately, the opening remarks of most speeches are very boring and uninspiring.  Yours should be an exception.


Just consider how receptive your message would be if you start this way:  


I once read this funny quote that made me smile. It says that an organization is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels. Some monkeys are climbing up, some dow,  and others are doing their own thing. But at the end of the day, they come together against the forces of nature.

We all are like monkeys of some sorts because we play different roles in this firm. But what matters most at the end of it all is when we come together to achieve our goals.

Last year, we came together like those monkeys when we were hit by the global pandemic and I would like you thank you and your family for their love and support. I have gotten heartwarming letters from your kith and kin expressing their delight that you are here with us.

I’d like to read one of them to you. It’s from Martha. She’s the wife of the guy in the accounting department. The man you have nicknamed Blazing Fire…That sounds cool, right?


That’s how a funny CEO started his New Year message. Did you notice how different this introduction is from all the other ones you’ve likely heard or read? I wish more CEO speeches could be this hilarious and heartfelt. That’s not the only to start on a bright note.


Those videos and these ones have several ideas you can learn from.


Your writing assignment/homework assignment: What words of gratitude do you want to tell your staff and employees?


How to write ceo speech to your employees



Okay…we’re not done yet. Let’s move on to another part of the speech: the body of your presentation. Please read this extract carefully.  


As one year welcomes the next, millions of people are taking this time to reflect on the past year to assess what was and to envision the year ahead to make choices on what can be. So, I take this moment to share some of my thoughts with you.

Most anyone would describe 2021 as anything but a normal year. I heard one commentator referring to this past year as a ‘lost year’, but I believe 2021 challenged us to be more alive and more aware than most years.


With so many unknowns between the pandemic, the impact of social distancing on work and life, the challenges of global supply shortages, the impacts of fires and natural disasters, unprecedented cybersecurity threats, and so much more sent our way, it is easy to feel lost and destabilized.


However, the challenge to each of us has not changed. Each and every year, and each and every minute, our challenges are the same – to grow in resilience as individuals and a society. That is, to accept whatever life presents us and expand our ability to respond in the healthiest way possible.


I believe this is what it means to be human, to live a good and meaningful life. Any living being, individual, organization or society measures its health by its ability to adapt. Witness the adaptation of the virus to find ever new ways to accelerate its growth. We are no different, needing to assess the world as it is and choose actions that accelerate growth.


This is why 2021 presented us so many opportunities to be more alive and more human than most years. It asked us to become more alert to changes around us and more adept at choosing healthy responses.


This is true for Pharos as well and how we serve in the world. While our customers’ fundamental needs changed little this past year – they still needed to create environments in which employees can work effectively and efficiently from wherever they may be, optimize the use of assets (the most valuable of which is time), and ensure a secure and safe work environment for their employees and customers they serve – the way those needs present themselves changed considerably.


The new hybrid workforce (working from home, the coffee shop and elsewhere) has become a longer-term reality, not the blip we once anticipated. This accelerated digital and cloud transformation from a vision of the future to today’s reality. Zero infrastructure and zero trust networks are becoming widespread – even mandatory in the Federal Government. There is more pressure than ever to act and adapt quickly and decisively.


In 2021, Pharos worked to support our customers facing these challenges. We significantly increased our investment in our safe, zero trust, global cloud printing infrastructure, enabling our customers to serve their end users better while reducing the time and cost burden on IT to manage the growing complexities of the new hybrid reality. We welcomed more clients to our cloud printing platform than in any other year, improving their employee experience and saving them time and money.


We adapted our technologies to be zero touch so that employees can feel safe in shared workspaces. We developed a corporate at-home printing solution that can simplify remote printing without losing the security and tracking required in today’s cyber-threatened workplaces. In short, we listened to the new problems that our clients are experiencing, and we adapted our services and technologies to meet them.


In a time of significant reductions in office printing, we experienced a strong year of growth serving our current clients. Printing may have declined, but as one client put it, printing remained a ‘dial-tone’ service that must be supplied to workers – even if in ever new ways.


Even as the omicron variant of COVID threatens renewed closures and worker shortages as we begin 2022, it also may usher in a final, and less severe, wave of infection. We will adapt – because that is what healthy species do. I look into the coming days with great optimism – because I look at the people around me, my Pharos colleagues, and those of you we serve and I see the hills we have climbed together. I know that there is no mountain too high for those committed to climb it.


Thank you for the faith you show in Pharos, and the choices you have made to make us part of your journey. We will, in 2022, strive every day to earn the great honor you do us by being a part of our journey.





Comments/Take home points/writing ideas:

First, let’s take a look a look at this extract once again.





If you compare the words above with the opening remarks, you will realize that it marks a gradual shift from what happened the previous year into the new one.



The speaker then goes on to reflect on events that have transpired in that year and how his company thrived in a very turbulent year. A commentator calls it ‘’a lost year’’


Yes, you might have experienced ‘’a lost year ‘’ but as you know by now, behind every dark cloud is a silver lining. So, get to work by first creating a basic outline for your New Year address from which you will create the content of your message.  


Well, you can simply do that by providing answers to the following questions:

  • What were the main highlights of the last year?
  • What stories can you use to embellish the highlighted events of last year?
  • What were the challenges you encountered in the previous year?
  • How did it affect your performance?
  • How did you and your team stem the tide?
  • What are some of the major milestones chalked?
  • And how did it you achieve that?
  • What were its impact on productivity and the overall growth of the business?

Message from ceo to employeers on new year's day


After you have jot down answers to the above questions, just write a rough draft of your speech. Dwell on the last year briefly before you transition to your New Year message to your employees.


Again, you may create a framework for your speech and back up every idea you raise with a story or two that will most likely resonate with your staff on a personal level.


I know by now you might be wondering how you can easily come up with great ideas for your speech. Please don’t worry because these ideas can help you express your thoughts in chronological order.


Here you go:


  • If you have risen through the corporate ranks to be the CEO of your organization, then you have probably listened to several messages delivered by former chief executives of your firm. Was there any one that really inspired you to become a hard worker? If you still can remember this person, write a summary of what he said or what his or her work ethic was like.


  • Then, connect that story to what that means for you and your staff in the New Year. Well, if you can’t remember any of that, you can simply tap into your professional experience and briefly summarize the significance of The New Year. For example, you can say, it gives the opportunity to come together as a unified voice and develop new insights.




  • Again, if you have a very special announcement that will delight your employees and spur them into action right before they get back to work; you can let them know about this. It could be about a new product launch which you are working on, a pay raise or new software that will enhance productivity and efficiency and make work much easier.


  • Remember, your employees are humans after all and they absolutely love surprises. So, if there’s anything groundbreaking, you may use your CEO New Year speech to break the good news.


  • You may also add a few motivational quotes to your speech. Here a few quotes you may use though.
  • What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” —Vern McLellan
  • “The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” —Melody Beattie
  • Each day is a new beginning, the chance to do with it what should be done and not to be seen as simply another day to put in time.” –Catherine Pulsifer
  • “New Year’s Day is every man’s birthday.” —Charles Lamb
  • “Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.” —Mandy Hale


Action Tip:  Just pick one of those quotes and see if you can carve something sweet out of it. Can you?  Not too hard as you think.




Finally, let’s look at the conclusion or closing remarks. Here is a brief excerpt

‘’ We wish you health, happiness, faith, and resilience in this New Year!’’


Most bosses consider this part of their New Year the easiest part to write because they have become so accustomed to hearing the same lines used by several speakers at the start of a new year.

But what if we go the extra line and substitute that with say a poem or even a song that will inspire your team to do their darnest. You can probably end with this poem: Allow Yourself by Catherine Pulsifer    .What do you think?
Allow yourself to dream,
And when you do dream big
Allow yourself to learn
And when you do learn all you can

Allow yourself to laugh
And when you do share your laughter
Allow yourself to set goals
And when you do reward yourself as you move forward

Allow yourself to be determined
And when you do you will find you will succeed
Allow yourself to believe in yourself
And when you do you will find self confidence

Allow yourself to lend a helping hand
And when you do a hand will help you.
Allow yourself relaxation
And when you do you will find new ideas.

Allow yourself love
And when you do you will find love in return
Allow yourself to be happy
And when you do you will influence others around you.

Allow yourself to be positive
And when you do life will get easier.

Just imagine how impactful your message would be like if you end with those uplifting lines!

What to say at your ceo speech at end of your year speech

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out! 

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.

CEO Letter or Message to Your Customers or Clients : How Tongue Tied CEO'S Easily Write Inspiring and Heartfelt Messages To Their Customers


Are you the president, CEO, boss, manager or director of your company? And are you looking for proven ideas to help you...

  • Write an inspiring message to your clients or customers?
  • Make the most of CEO message to customers’ samples or templates?
  • Write end of year message or New Year speech to your clients?


If you answered yes to all of that, then you are in the right place because this piece will cover everything you need to know about writing a nice message to your customers.

Just give me a few minutes of your time and I will show you how to do just that.




Let me ask you this simple question: Do you believe in Harry Gordon Selfridge’s business slogan that the customer is always right? I first heard about this well-known business quote when I first started working as a teacher at a primary school.

Ceo speech for customers


That was the watchword of the CEO of my school. Here is a guy who has many rich and varied ideas about how to run school like a business and he always told us to treat parents with utmost care and respect because they were the lifeblood of the school. He liked to call them his clients or customers.


Although we did our darnest to follow his instructions to the letter, we knew instinctively that, that wasn’t always the case as a few rude parents treated us like doormats.



In my opinion, customers are always right. Come to think about it. No matter how annoying they make us feel sometimes, they provide our bread and butter when all is said and done.


Stories after stories have revealed that customers love CEO’s who care about them like family. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Arthur Demoulas or read a story about him?


Arthur was a much respected and admired CEO because he loved his employees and customers like his own flesh and blood.  He was so much involved in his team’s total wellbeing that when he was kicked out of the company by his employer (Market Basket grocery chain in 2014) everyone got so angry and vehemently called for his immediate reinstatement.


On his return, he wrote this thank you letter to his supporters and customers.


Here you go: CEO Thank you letter to customers


Here's the full text of Demoulas' thank-you letter:


To our family of customers, associates, and business partners,


We would like to thank you for your incredible support of Market Basket and your belief and trust in us. We are humbled and grateful for everything you have done and the sacrifices you have made to fight for and preserve our company's business model and reputation.


Over the past two months, our fortitude was tested daily, but it was your incredible display of faith and belief in the Market Basket philosophy that constantly gave us strength to persevere. Your actions became an inspiration of hope to people everywhere, and because of this, Market Basket will be back even stronger than ever!


To our cherished customers, thank you from all of our associates and business partners for everything you do in support of Market Basket. We are even more dedicated and committed to provide you with "More for Your Dollar" shopping; where value, service, and quality go hand-in-hand.


Over the next few weeks, we ask for your patience and understanding as we work together to restock our warehouses and stores with fresh food offerings.


To our 25,000 associates who have shown the world what Market Basket is all about, you have our deepest gratitude, respect, and appreciation. Together, we will move forward to strengthen Market Basket's reputation of being a truly great place to shop and work.

To our vendors and business partners, thank you for your support, patience, and commitment to our customers and company. Together we look forward to forging even strong business relationships to best serve our customers.

On behalf of all of us at Market Basket, we want to sincerely thank our customers.


Some may say welcome back, but we think it's more fitting to say, Welcome Home! Market Basket is in the people business first, and we look forward to serving you and your families for many years to come. We are customers. We are associates. We are vendors. We are Market Basket!



With heartfelt gratitude,

Arthur T. Demoulas


Wow… that is a short but brilliant piece. I enjoyed reading every bit of that letter. Well, you may not be as popular as Arthur Demoulas was. But whatever the case is, you have to write letters and messages to your customers from time to time to reassure them that they are the reason why you get up every morning charged for work.


To express your thoughts clearly and very persuasively, there are a few things you should consider before you even jot down your ideas.  First, you should determine the objective of your letter or message so you can figure out what you really want to share with your customers and clients.

How to write ceo letter to clients


To do that, you can write down answers to the following questions and use them to create an outline or bullet point in the first place. 

Here you go: 

  • Are you thinking of saying thank you to your customers? Then, you should consider writing a CEO thank you letter as Arthur Demoulas did. Ok, what do you want to say? 
  • Is the company going through hard times like most firms did when covid-19 struck? Then, you have to speedily send out a letter of reassurance that highlights the changes it has brought and how you intend to stem the tide. Remember, such a letter should timely and urgent.
  • Are you about to retire or move to another firm? Then, please send your clients a thoughtful and appreciative CEO farewell or a resignation letter or even  an email. Can you write down memories of what your tenure has been like since you were appointed to lead the organization? 
  • Did you launch a product or start a service, but have to recall it due to health and safety issues its implementation has wrought? Then, you have to issue a thoughtfully worded apology letter and explain why it occurred in the first place. If you can get this in your own handwriting, that would make it sound more heartfelt. If you are pressed for time, you can simply render it in your own pen and ask your team to duplicate it for onward distribution.
  • Are you about to end a new year and start a brand new year? Then, it’s not too late to craft an inspiring new year’s message or letter and send it over to your clients.
  • Just got employed as a new CEO? Then, it will be fittingly appropriate to send out a letter of introduction to your customer explaining who you are, why you were picked for the job, and what you bring to the table.


Having decided on the kind of letter oyou would like to send to your clients, you can then go on to watch a few videos about the kind of message you wish to deliver.




For example, if you are going to write a CEO New Year speech to your clients, you can do a quick search on and watch a few videos on that topic to stimulate your creative abilities.


By the way, here are two great videos that you can watch and learn from. Just take a few minutes to hit the play button and get some some cool ideas from the clips.


Message From CEO to Customer-Video#1



Message To Client by CEO -Video#2



Now, I want to show you how you can easily write a persuasive and motivational letter or message to your clients using well-written speech examples. To make this easy to understand, I am going to share these two examples with you.


Afterward, I will break the second example down bit by bit so you can figure out what goes into writing a heartfelt letter or message to your customers. If you can’t wait any longer, then please scroll down the page and get your pair of eyes on the second sample.


Here’s the first speech: CEO letter or speech to customer examples


While the COVID-19 situation remains dynamic, we have been vigilant in anticipating and overcoming the obstacles it has presented. This is first and foremost a health crisis, and our thoughts go out to those who have been affected, whether directly or indirectly, by the virus in their communities.


We have continued to deliver for our customers, without compromising our employees’ safety. At the onset of the crisis, we took action to enable our employees to work from home. We have surveyed our employees and the feedback we received is that they have the necessary tools and technology to remain connected and productive while working from home offices.


At this time, we have partially reopened some of our offices, but are taking a cautious and measured approach to having employees return. We continue to monitor our workplaces and add COVID-19 safety measures based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other government organizations. Our goal is to collaboratively ensure our employees, shareholders and those we work with feel safe and secure.


There are many uncertainties and we expect to experience unforeseen impacts, but from a financial and operational standpoint Ahtna is on a sound footing, which enables us to face the current circumstances with confidence.



Our companies are utilizing the Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) Paycheck Protection Program and we have withstood this pandemic very well.


Our quick response to rapidly changing client needs has opened new doors for our subsidiaries and produced follow on work with current customers. As our customers shifted their focus to addressing COVID-19 issues and preparations, we were there to support them. You can learn about some of our recent COVID-19 support contracts here.


Ahtna Engineering recently finished the Ogliuga Island Remedial Investigation and Davis Air Force Base (AFB) Cantonment Area Removal Action work for the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). COVID-19 risk mitigation plans were developed for these projects to ensure federal and state compliance and the safety of our employees. The client was impressed with our ability to complete the remote field work on schedule.


The Alyeska spring/summer work we do under Ahtna Construction and Primary Products Company has begun without delay after the winter season projects came to a close. All of the June-start projects were approved by the Alyeska executive team and we received several new rivers and flood plains projects. Also approved was the 2020 Mineral and Mining scope that started after weight restrictions were lifted in late May. The additional pipeline work will add to our bottom line and create more work opportunities for our shareholders in the crafts.


A newly developed partnership with Stantec, Inc. continues to grow and create new opportunities. Stantec is an international professional services company with over 22,000 employees world-wide that provides professional consulting services in planning, engineering, architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, surveying, environmental sciences, project management, and project economics for infrastructure and facilities projects.


We have been collaborating on COVID-19 contracting opportunities, such as camp construction and support, and we are looking at other government contracts to team together on. Creation of a Mentor/Protégé arrangement with Stantec under the SBA’s 8(a) program is in the works.


There are two Ahtna subsidiary companies that have developed relationships with Stantec’s Government Services/Buildings and Infrastructure departments. Stantec has presented their capabilities on cutting edge digital tools to our subsidiaries, including remote sensing, geomatics/laser scanning, remote visualization/communications (virtual reality), and digitizing construction/inspection data.

How to write ceo message to clients


We have learned many valuable lessons over the past few months, and I am incredibly proud of the resilience and flexibility our employees have shown in meeting our business and client needs during these difficult times. When things get hard, the Ahtna team pulls together, and we couldn’t do it without your support. Stay safe and take care of one another.


Thank you,

Tom Maloney, Chief Executive Officer

Ahtna Netiye’




Now, here’s the second one: Customer Letter or Message to Clients


Please note: My analysis or comments are scattered throughout this second example. Please pause and reflect on it as you go through this sample.


First of all, I hope you are safe and healthy. Given the situation, I felt like writing down my thoughts in a message to all of you. I know, it is raining letters from CEOs and by now your inboxes and newsfeeds are probably flooded.


Still, I hope you’ll take some time to read this.


I am writing this letter from the seclusion of my own home. To be honest, it is the first time in years that I have been here for more than 24 hours straight. In the meantime, we have surpassed those 24 hours many times. And we know that there are many solitary days to come.


Commentary/Writing ideas: As you know by now, there are three parts of every writing piece or essay. Do you have any idea what they are? Ok, they include the introductory address, body, and conclusion.


Ok, let us put first things first. So, let’s start with the introduction or opening remarks.


As a rule of thumb, your letter or message from the CEO to your clients should be heartfelt, personal, and empathetic because your clients are going to receive stack of letters from family and friends and your words should be so engaging that yours occupy a prominent place on their table.


What’s more, if it’s engaging enough, your customer will always look forward to hearing from you.


That can only be possible if you strike a friendlier tone and not sound robotic as most CEO letters are known for. That said, you can really personalize your letter by including your customer’s name in the salutation.


Most letters or messages begin like these:

‘’ Dear Customer ‘’

‘’ Hello Cherished customers’’


Not bad at all. But, what if you substituted customer with the recipient’s name?

For example…Dear Mike...Wouldn't that resonate with the recipient? 


Still on the introduction. While it’s quite common for most messages to begin with a note of gratitude. That's ok. But, it is by no means the only way to start your message.


Depending on the context and objective your letter or speech, you may use one or more of the following ideas as starters.


First, you can start with a very brief story. Suppose, you are informing your clients about your imminent departure as CEO, you can start this way:

37 years ago, I made a promise to serve your father (who was our first customer) and the journey has nothing short of rewarding. We were a very small company back then and I remember how hard we used to work as a family knowing that if we are to make people like you proud, then, that would depend on how committed we are to your safety and health…..


Did you notice how I weaved in that little story and mentioned the customer’s dad? I wonder who wouldn’t like to read such a letter. This particular example used a story too and you can see that here that demonstrated here:

‘’ I am writing this letter from the seclusion of my own home. To be honest, it is the first time in years that I have been here for more than 24 hours straight.’’



Second, if your company is experiencing some crises like a product or service recall, you can start off on an apologetic note. Here’s how I will start such a message if I had to recall one of my products.


''Hi Mark (do you remember the personalization tip I shared with you? That’s it in action here)

I am very sorry for everything. I am really sorry because I have let you down. For 20 years, you’ve been a valued member of the Fora family and we've come thus far due to your help and support. Well, when I learned that you were having problems with your newly purchased car, I bowed my head in shame.

Please just put the blame on me. You see, whenever we are done with production, we take it through…''


Did you notice how personal the tone is? I am sure you liked it!


Third, you can start with a joke to lighten the mood. Yes, I mean a good joke that brings smile on the customers face. You may begin with a nice joke you have ever heard from your own parents, friends or even grandparents.


If it's an inside joke, you can share it if it is in sync with the overall theme of your message.


Fourth, if you unexpectedly find yourself in a grim situation like Covid 19 , you should quickly send off a letter about what you are doing to keep your employees safe and what that means for the end user.


You see, the point of doing things differently is to make sure your message stand out so that your customer can always looks forward to hearing from a boss who truly has his or her best interests at heart.


Now, let’s get on to the body or content of your letter.

The body or content of your letter should be a natural progression or extension of the key points you raised in your opening address. Whatever point or idea you made in this crucial part of your story should highlight the effects of a distress  on the customer or the benefits of a product offering.

For example, when Covid 19 hit everyone across the globe like a wrecking ball against a solid wall, Felipe Valdes the CEO of had this message for his clients.


Letter from ceo to clients


’Dear Taixa Customer

As we enter our twelfth week in quarantine, I wanted to reach out to you in these bizarre and unprecedented days that we are living. I hope you and your loved ones are well and staying healthy. At Tiaxa, nothing is more important than the health, safety and continued success of all of our global stakeholders. These include employees, our customers, vendors and shareholders, all of whom we work with on a daily basis.

We have a massive challenge ahead of us, to help in the rebuilding, and make the most of the novel opportunities that arise in times of crisis.

I wanted to let you know that across our offices in Latin America and South East Asia, we continue to be fully operational with our 7×24 support as well as with all the new deployments that are in progress.

We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that there will be no interruption to our service platforms. Our continuity and readiness plans are in action, with our NOC’s in Santiago, Mexico City, Lima and Manila, and our globally distributed data centers. ''


Action Tip: To develop the body, you should first create an outline for your message by first writing down bullet points for the rest of your message. To get your creative ideas flowing, you should ask yourself this simple question: What message do I intend to deliver and what are the supporting ideas or stories that will go my main message? 




Ok…that’s not all. Please let’s look at other parts of the body.


''It makes you think, doesn’t it? Humans are social animals by nature. We need and crave human contact. I spend my entire day video calling with all my teams and our customers, from the early morning until the evening. Yet, at night, I don’t feel complete.

I need human contact. I need care. I need my community. We all do.

I could talk to you about Corona, about the numbers and how it is impacting life and business. But enough media outlets are already doing that. I would rather talk about what this means for customer experience.

We are all customers, we still need to talk to companies and buy from them, only the way we are doing so at this point has drastically changed. Maybe your customers can't buy from you now, because you've been forced to shut down for safety reasons. Does the engagement stop there?

Given the need for human contact and our communities, we have to reflect on how we interact with customers at this time. People are bound to their houses and a lot of interactions are happening online, via email or by phone. It’s in these moments that as a brand you can make the difference.


We are all feeling a bit confused and we live in uncertain times. No one was prepared for this. We belong to generations who never knew real adversity, at least not in the same way as our parents or grandparents did.


In scary times we prioritise and process differently, and we have different needs on various different levels. Being aware of this will help organisations to communicate better and to adjust products and services to create the value that customers need right now.


A lot of companies are taking initiative to help out in any way they can. Think of Delhaize. Only a few years back this Belgian supermarket chain found itself in an identity crisis. Today, they are supporting their customers in times of need, and they are doing their absolute best to serve a higher purpose in these unusual times. A few examples


  • They already had invested in additional convenience services like ordering online, pick-up points at their stores and house deliveries. When all hell broke loose, they encouraged their customers to use those channels as much as possible.
  • They asked their customers to respect a new guideline so elderly people can access their shops first between 8 am and 9 am, as not to mix different age groups in their stores. This reduces the risk of infection and makes sure that elderly people can do their groceries too, without facing empty shelves due to hoarding behaviour.
  • They communicate clearly and often about their supply chain, to put people at ease that there is no need to hoard, not even toilet paper 😉 – as do a lot of other supermarket chainsby the way.
  • They don’t lose focus on their employees and recognise their value. They have limited the number of customers that can access the store at once, so their teams can restock shelves and can maintain a safe distance. They don’t accept cash payments anymore and have installed Plexiglas walls at the counters to keep their cashiers safe.

On top, they have formed an alliance with another big Belgian supermarket chain, Colruyt. Since medical staff and caregivers are working hard, long hours in our hospitals, they often only get to the stores when most of the supplies are already gone. Via this initiative, they will get priority access to the webshops of Delhaize and Colruyt, and the retailers will deliver their groceries for free close to the hospitals.

Another great example is Easyfairs, who is a customer of ours. As a big event organisation, they are struggling as all events are already cancelled at least until summer. So, they thought about how they can facilitate all of their venues and services in times of need in a way that benefits society. They decided to offer their locations to the government in case emergency care facilities need to be set up.

Right now, we’re living in the worst of times. But this also gives us time and space to focus on what matters most, and what we sometimes easily forget: the importance of the human connection.


So be the brand that stands out in keeping things human in these times when we need it the most. Listen to your customers, acknowledge their emotions, understand what they need most right now, and ask how you can offer value in tough times.

Don’t think about what your company wants, but about what people need.

Stay strong, and most of all, stay human, stay connected.

I promise you we will do the same.
See, hear and speak to you later. ''


Commentary/Writing ideas: The above is the conclusion remarks which is fairly easy to write. There are several ways to end on a cheerful note no matter what the company is going through. I am happy to share with you a few ways to wrap up on a strong note.


First, you can thank your clients for their love and support and loyalty.

Second, you can present a problem that your product solves and ask your customers to share it with family and friends. You may give incentives to those who do it.

Third, you can ask your customers to get in touch with you or share feedback or even solicit their opinions on what you think it’s the best way forward for your company.

What to say in a letter to your customers by ceo

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out! 

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.

New CEO Welcome Speech or Letter To Employees : This Is How Any Incoming CEO Can Easily and Quickly Write an Inspiring Speech That Will Endear You to Your New Staff


Are you a new CEO, President, Manager, Boss or Director of a company?  If so, you are at the right place at the right time because in this post, I am going to share with you tips and ideas about…


  • How to write an inspiring new CEO acceptance speech that will earn you the trust and resepect of your new staff and employees
  • How to put together your random thoughts and ideas into a great introduction speech
  • How to use CEO welcome speech samples you can model your own message after

…plus a whole lot more




Have you been appointed as a new CEO, President, Director or Manager of an organization you are truly passionate about and want to make a difference?


If you nodded yes to that, congratulations! What a wonderful blessing to have this new job.  I know you have worked hard to reach this point in your career. It’s a well-deserved promotion!


Whether you have been promoted from within your current firm or tapped from somewhere else, you are going to work with diverse group of workers with different expectations, and your new CEO or welcome speech presents a perfect opportunity to not only make a favorable first impression but to also re-assure the staff, board of directors, and employees that you will always be there for them through thick and thin. 


Ceo introduction speech


This would be one of the most important speeches you will make in your professional since your new employees would always remember what you said in hard times.  So, you better brace yourself for it.


I know the question on your mind is: How you can deliver an inspiring CEO acceptance speech that will unify, inspire and reassure your employees and staff?


The following examples are replete with great ideas that can help you do justice to your presentation.


First and foremost, let’s study them carefully. Afterward, we will break them down bit by bit so we can figure out what went into writing an inpsiring welcome speech. Some bosses prefer writing while others opt for speeches. So, let’s look at both of them in detail.


Now, let’s look at the letter Tim Cook wrote to his employees when he was a new CEO at Apple.  



I am looking forward to the amazing opportunity of serving as CEO of the most innovative company in the world.

Joining Apple was the best decision I’ve ever made and it’s been the privilege of a lifetime to work for Apple and Steve for over 13 years. I share Steve’s optimism for Apple’s bright future.



Steve has been an incredible leader and mentor to me, as well as to the entire executive team and our amazing employees. We are really looking forward to Steve’s ongoing guidance and inspiration as our Chairman.



I want you to be confident that Apple is not going to change. I cherish and celebrate Apple’s unique principles and values. Steve built a company and culture that is unlike any other in the world and we are going to stay true to that—it is in our DNA.



We are going to continue to make the best products in the world that delight our customers and make our employees incredibly proud of what they do.

I love Apple and I am looking forward to diving into my new role. All of the incredible support from the Board, the executive team and many of you has been inspiring. I am confident our best years lie ahead of us and that together we will continue to make Apple the magical place that it is.



This second example is what ex- Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella wrote to his employees when he first became CEO.


Today is a very humbling day for me. It reminds me of my very first day at Microsoft, 22 years ago. Like you, I had a choice about where to come to work. I came here because I believed Microsoft was the best company in the world.


I saw then how clearly we empower people to do magical things with our creations and ultimately make the world a better place. I knew there was no better company to join if I wanted to make a difference.


This is the very same inspiration that continues to drive me today.

It is an incredible honor for me to lead and serve this great company of ours. Steve and Bill have taken it from an idea to one of the greatest and most universally admired companies in the world.



I’ve been fortunate to work closely with both Bill and Steve in my different roles at Microsoft, and as I step in as CEO, I’ve asked Bill to devote additional time to the company, focused on technology and products. I’m also looking forward to working with John Thompson as our new Chairman of the Board.



While we have seen great success, we are hungry to do more. Our industry does not respect tradition — it only respects innovation. This is a critical time for the industry and for Microsoft. Make no mistake, we are headed for greater places — as technology evolves and we evolve with and ahead of it. Our job is to ensure that Microsoft thrives in a mobile and cloud-first world.


 As we start a new phase of our journey together, I wanted to share some background on myself and what inspires and motivates me.


Who am I?

I am 46. I’ve been married for 22 years and we have 3 kids. And like anyone else, a lot of what I do and how I think has been shaped by my family and my overall life experiences.



 Many who know me say I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. I buy more books than I can finish. I sign up for more online courses than I can complete.


I fundamentally believe that if you are not learning new things, you stop doing great and useful things. So family, curiosity and hunger for knowledge all define me.

New ceo welcome speech


 Why am I here?


I am here for the same reason I think most people join Microsoft — to change the world through technology that empowers people to do amazing things. I know it can sound hyperbolic — and yet it’s true. We have done it, we’re doing it today, and we are the team that will do it again.



I believe over the next decade computing will become even more ubiquitous and intelligence will become ambient. The coevolution of software and new hardware form factors will intermediate and digitize — many of the things we do and experience in business, life and our world.



This will be made possible by an ever-growing network of connected devices, incredible computing capacity from the cloud, insights from big data, and intelligence from machine learning.


This is a software-powered world.

It will better connect us to our friends and families and help us see, express, and share our world in ways never before possible. It will enable businesses to engage customers in more meaningful ways. I am here because we have unparalleled capability to make an impact.



Why are we here?

In our early history, our mission was about the PC on every desk and home, a goal we have mostly achieved in the developed world. Today we’re focused on a broader range of devices. While the deal is not yet complete, we will welcome to our family Nokia devices and services and the new mobile capabilities they bring us.


As we look forward, we must zero in on what Microsoft can uniquely contribute to the world. The opportunity ahead will require us to reimagine a lot of what we have done in the past for a mobile and cloud-first world, and do new things.



We are the only ones who can harness the power of software and deliver it through devices and services that truly empower every individual and every organization. We are the only company with history and continued focus in building platforms and ecosystems that create broad opportunity.



Qi Lu captured it well in a recent meeting when he said that Microsoft uniquely empowers people to “do more.” This doesn’t mean that we need to do more things, but that the work we do empowers the world to do more of what they care about — get stuff done, have fun, communicate and accomplish great things. This is the core of who we are, and driving this core value in all that we do — be it the cloud or device experiences — is why we are here.

What do we do next?



To paraphrase a quote from Oscar Wilde — we need to believe in the impossible and remove the improbable.



This starts with clarity of purpose and sense of mission that will lead us to imagine the impossible and deliver it. We need to prioritize innovation that is centered on our core value of empowering users and organizations to “do more.”


We have picked a set of high-value activities as part of our One Microsoft strategy. And with every service and device launch going forward we need to bring more innovation to bear around these scenarios.



Next, every one of us needs to do our best work, lead and help drive cultural change. We sometimes underestimate what we each can do to make things happen and overestimate what others need to do to move us forward. We must change this.



Finally, I truly believe that each of us must find meaning in our work. The best work happens when you know that it’s not just work, but something that will improve other people’s lives. This is the opportunity that drives each of us at this company.



Many companies aspire to change the world. But very few have all the elements required: talent, resources, and perseverance. Microsoft has proven that it has all three in abundance.



And as the new CEO, I can’t ask for a better foundation.

Let’s build on this foundation together.


CEO 2 

I think you will agree with me that both examples are excellent speeches you can learn and adapt to write your own message.


I am sure you might be wondering how you can make the most out of those examples since you are a busy executive.  It’s very simple, really.


First, you need to watch a couple of videos to get a fair idea of what to say and how to say it better. Thankfully, has plenty of such videos online to equip you and also help you master your presentation.


By the way, here are two videos you can watch and learn from.


Here you go:


New CEO welcome speech sample---(video #1)



New welcome acceptance speech example --- (video#2)



Now, let’s begin breaking down the second written example down bit by bit with an eye towards writing our own script.

First, let’s start with the introductory remarks or opening address. Let’s re-cap excerpts of it so we can be guided every step of the way.

New CEO Speech a

The introduction is always the hardest part to write because your new employees and managers will most likely be judging you by what you say right from the start. 


So, your opening remarks should be engaging, positive, and even funny without alluding to any seeming tension in the firm (even if there is one).

To easily write one that will set the right tone for your tenure and potentially signal your leadership qualities, you can start with one or more of these proven tips and ideas.


First, you can simply talk about your excitement about assuming the new managerial position.


Second, if you have risen through the ranks to be the boss of your organization, you can share just a little story about what your journey has been like over the years and your ‘’new employees’’ will enjoy every bit of it.


Here’s an example from Satya’s introduction speech.


Today is a very humbling day for me. It reminds me of my very first day at Microsoft, 22 years ago. Like you, I had a choice about where to come to work. I came here because I believed Microsoft was the best company in the world.


I saw then how clearly we empower people to do magical things with our creations and ultimately make the world a better place…


Third, you keep the atmosphere lighthearted by sharing a funny story about what happened when you assumed that position.


Let’s look at this example.

My youngest son, Mark has been a fan of comics ever since I can remember. Guess what happened a month ago.


When Mark came back from school, he dashed into my room and said, Dad, mom tells me that you are moving to Danny Toys in the fall. Please (comment: let it go hand in hand with facial gestures when you talk about the underlined words) don’t take up that job!


I scowled at him and retorted…’’Let’s make a deal, Mark. If I don’t take it up, then I will change your school and you will miss your friends!


He always outdid me.  But he almost pulled this hair out on that one.


Then he countered through the tears and said dad, I get it. But I understand those guys work tirelessly like wall clocks! Just make sure you don’t wear yourself out!


The next day, he tiptoes to my room smiling and says’’ Dad, I have been thinking about your new appointment and I think you should give it a shot. But on one condition that you sack Superman from that cartoon series so I can take over from him.



I think I can do better than him as the hero. Do you remember the time I flew from our roof to save a stray cat?  Will you do that?


May be! Let’s see what happens! I will probably give it my best shot. At that momet, he jumped off my bed and fell down with a thud!


Incoming or new ceo welcome speech samples or examples


I looked at him once more again and said: Mark, do you still want to take over from Superman?


This was his response: ''Oh no, I almost sprained my ankle and I think I need more time to train harder before I think of ousting him!''



Ladies and gentlemen, just like Mark, I thought for so long before taking up this post because I didn’t want to be the next Superman. But someone who works as hard as Mark put it(like a wall clock) and get on  with everyone on the team to make…


I am sure you reading enjoyed that brief but hilarious example? I did!


Fourth, you can adapt this proven tip used by management consultant and coach Mike Hawkins. He illustrates it with this example.


When I was approached by Stem about taking this position, I had four primary interests: this market, working for a company with a compelling vision, capitalizing on great capabilities, and working with great people.  


My view of your market is that it has tremendous potential.


My view of your vision is that you have it right. My initial view of your capabilities is mixed. You do some things very well and some not so well.


But isn’t anything that can’t be improved. Our future is within our control and I look forward to improving our capabilities together.


My view of you is that you will be the best people I’ve ever worked with.So that’s why I accepted this position and am excited about being your leader.



I’m going to take ninety days to assess our strategy and operations before making any substantive changes.


Unless I find something urgent that needs immediate change, I’m going take these first ninety days to get to know you, what you do, and what we all need to do to take this organization to the next level.


Now, let’s consider…


How you can easily write the body of your CEO welcome speech


That sounds easier to write, right? It seems so simple but most bosses really struggle to put together their random thoughts into a very coherent message. 



Do you know why this happens? It’s because most speakers have years of corporate memories tucked inside their brains. But, they really don’t know how to begin or even where to start from.




To get your ideas across more clearly and persuasively without sounding stiff like a terrible boss, you need to present your vision in a compelling manner. Well, we can go back to see excerpts of the above example so we can figure out what to do.


Please note that I will be inserting my comments, observations and even asking questions below each extract. You just have to provide answers to the questions asked and use them to craft your own rough speech or message. 



Ok, please let’s start.




‘’I saw then how clearly we empower people to do magical things with our creations and ultimately make the world a better place…’’


Comments: Here, the incoming CEO tells a story of when he was first hired for the job. He reminisces about the good old days from his first day at work up until he was appointed to head the firm.


This approach is particularly useful if you have been picked from within and have decades of hands-on experience on the job.


Question: If you have been working at the firm so long, what have the years been like? Just write down your experiences (particularly the memorable ones as well as the not so good years especially if you learned valuable lesssons you wish to share with your team)


How to write new ceo introduction speech


Let’s continue….


We’re still looking at the excerpts…


''I’ve been fortunate to work closely with both Bill and Steve in my different roles at Microsoft, and as I step in as CEO...''


Comments: If you are taking over from someone who was really admired and respected by your new employees, you can say something about that person and mention why you admire him or her. But, please make sure you do that from a sincere heart.


A few questions to ponder over to help you formulate the part mentioned right above in red:


  1. Whose big shoes are you stepping into? Please put down his or her name.
  2. What do you really admire about him or her?
  3. Is there something he’s or she’s really known for that you wish to briefly talk about?


Please note: If the outgoing CEO had a frosty relationship with the board of directors and even your new employees, then you should keep your words to yourself as there’s no need to scratch an old wound. 


By the way, please put down answers to the above questions (a-c) and see if you can write a little story out of that.



Let’s continue by looking at the snippets….


''I am 46. I’ve been married for 22 years and we have 3 kids…Many who know me say I am also defined by my curiosity and thirst for learning. I buy more books than I can finish…''



Comments: If you are known to be a very warm or family oriented person, then it’s always a great idea to talk about who you are. You could talk about your upbringing, who or what shaped your character, and what your personal work culture or ethic is.


Here, you can throw in some personal attributes that tie in with your assigned responsibilities as CEO or president of your new workplace.



Let's go on with this


 ''Why am I here? I am here for the same reason I think most people join Microsoft..''



  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you stand for?
  3. What are your personal ideals?
  4. Why did you take up the post as CEO or Boss of your firm?


Again, construct few sentences with your answers you wrote from Q1-Q4.



Let’s continue….


''I believe over the next decade computing will become even more ubiquitous and intelligence will become ambient. This will be made possible by an ever-growing network of connected devices, incredible computing capacity from the cloud…'' 


Comments: I read this and realized that this writer is a visionary because we can all see what became of Microsoft in the years after Satya's appointment.



As we look forward, we must zero in on what Microsoft can uniquely contribute to the world…



Questions ot help you compose parts of the speech as seen above:


  • What’s your vision for the organization? Your dreams should be in sync with that of your new place of work.


  • What do you expect from your employees and co-workers?


  • Do you have any piece of advice for them?



  • Do you have anything to share that will inspire them to work harder?


  • Finally, you can reassure them that you will give them a listening ear and lead with patience, clarity and purpose in times of turmoil.


 We are not done yet. Please let's keep at it

''This starts with clarity of purpose and sense of mission…

Next, every one of us needs to do our best work, lead and help drive cultural change. We sometimes underestimate what we each can do to make things happen and overestimate what others need to do to move us forward. We must change this…

 Finally, I truly believe that each of us must find meaning in our work…

 Many companies aspire to change the world. But very few have all the elements required: talent, resources, and perseverance. Microsoft has proven that it has all three in abundance.

 And as the new CEO, I can’t ask for a better foundation…''


Action Tip or assignment: Now, this is what I want you to do right now. Please put all your answers together and just write your speech or letter(taking the ideas shared into account) without worrying so much about how it flows. You can always go back and review it until it comes out much better.


How to write ceo speech to your employees

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak

Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out! 

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees

This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.




CEO Farewell Speech or Letter: Here’s A Very Simple And Pain Free Way To Write A Memorable Leaving Speech Even If You Are Not Great With Words Or You Are As Busy As A Bee


Are you the CEO, President, Manager, Boss or Director of your organization? 


If you nodded yes to any of that, then you are in the right place at the right time because I am going to share with you

  • How you can write a memorable CEO, President, Boss, Manager goodbye speech without trying so hard
  • How you can use farewell speech templates to help you say something before leaving the office


…plus a whole lot more ideas and tips you can use to make an outgoing speech that your staff and employees will forever remember.


Can This Be Really True?


They say life is very short and fleeting. But when it comes to working in a place where everyone feels like family, then life can be very, very short indeed. 


Well, it seems like only yesterday that you were chosen to lead the firm. Back then, you were in high spirits and  eagerly looking  forward to serving with love, passion, integrity, humility, compassion, and hard work.


Goodbye speech by CEO


You worked in earnest to raise the bar high! All too soon you have to walk out the door after a long, tireless, and dedicated tenure. Your departure reminds me of the phrase that all life is a stage and when we have played our parts, we will exit. How true that is!


So, it’s only natural for your bosses, co-workers, and employees to come together to  celebrate you for your dedication and hard work.


As they smile at you, sing your praises, hug you tight and probably shed some happy and sad tears before sending you off, you will be asked to say a few words before you leave the office.


Well, speech making has always been part of your communication repertoire and you shouldn’t just wing it. Wouldn’t it be so nice if your CEO, President, Boss, Manager, farewell sounds graceful, reconciliatory, inspiring, witty, and appreciative?


Well, if you can make it a little funny, then you will leave everyone with tears of joy. But, can you do that with ease?


I am sure by now you might be wondering how you can easily come up with a great farewell message that totally encapsulates all those virtues.   It’s actually easier than you think.  I know you are short on time, so I will make things a lot easier for you.




This Is How to Start Your Farewell Message


If you have never given such a speech before, then it’s best to get your feet wet by watching a few video clips about how outgoing speeches are made. I scoured the net and found these amazing examples at


Please take a few minutes to watch both clips to see how these brilliant speakers delivered their messages and see if you can in a way work the insights you will discover into your own speech.


Here you go:


CEO, President, Boss, Manager, etc. farewell speech example (video#1)



CEO, President, Boss, Manager, etc. farewell message sample (video#2)



I hope you took home some ideas from watching those clips?


Now, let’s look at these written samples since they go hand in hand with videos.


The former gives you an idea of what to expect and the latter reinforces the ideas raised in the videos. Here's the thing. With written examples, you can study them and adapt portions of it for your own farewell message.


So, first and foremost, let’s look at these written examples. Afterwards, I will break it down bit by bit so we can figure out what went into writing them. That can help you organize your thoughts into a great parting or leaving speech. 


Let’s start with a letter and the speech itself will follow. 


Here you go:

For our study, here’s a simple but profound goodbye letter Former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer sent to her employees when she was about to leave the firm. Please read through it carefully. 


Here’s a full text of her goodbye letter she posted on Tumblr.


323 days ago, we announced that Verizon would be acquiring Yahoo's operating business. Today, I can announce that the transaction has officially closed. While reaching this moment has certainly been a long road traveled, it marks the end of an era for Yahoo, as well as the beginning of a new chapter – it's an emotional time for all of us.


Director farewell speech


Given the inherent changes to my role, I'll be leaving the company. However, I want all of you to know that I'm brimming with nostalgia, gratitude, and optimism.


It's been my great honor and privilege to be a part of this team for the last 5 years. Together, we have rebuilt, reinvented, strengthened, and modernized our products, our business, and our company.


Looking back on my time at Yahoo, we have confronted seemingly insurmountable business challenges, along with many surprise twists and turns. I've seen our teams navigate these hurdles and mountains in ways that have not only made Yahoo a better company, but also made all of us far stronger.


During these past 5 years, we've built products that delight our users, focused on our clients' businesses, driven substantial value for our shareholders, and endeavored to make Yahoo the absolute best place to work. I want to take a moment to remind you of some of our many achievements together. They are remarkable, and we should all be very proud.


To our users: We have enhanced our products to be far more modern and engaging, especially for mobile

To our advertisers: We completely rebuilt our advertising business, putting our clients first

To our shareholders: Our stock has hit a 17-year high, more than tripling since July 2012

To our shareholders: Our stock has hit a 17-year high, more than tripling since July 2012


As I look back on these achievements, I want to sincerely thank every single Yahoo employee, past and present, for your contributions both large and small. I'm tremendously grateful for all of the hard work and the many sacrifices you've made.


We always endeavored to do the right thing for our users, advertisers, shareholders, and fellow Yahoos. This has required the most impressive displays of teamwork, innovation, and resilience I've ever seen, and working with you has made my time as CEO nothing short of a privilege.


Finally, I want to thank our founders, Filo and Jerry. Every entrepreneur's wildest dream is to change the world with their ideas, and you've done just that. From day one, your tenacity and whimsy helped create one of the most special companies of all time – one that has employed more than 175,000 people, generated over $77B in revenue, and has informed, connected, and entertained a large portion of humanity.


You've inspired all of us with your brilliance, values, and passion, and I will forever be in awe of you and I will forever be your biggest fan :-)






Now, let’s look at this farewell sample speech delivered by the president of the Lake Head University.


Afterwards, we will break it down so you can figure out what went into it and how you can use the take home ideas to write your own farewell message.


Please note: The ideas or gems you will discover from my review of this example can be applied to whatever kind of speech you are thinking of delivering.


So, please keep reading on for more tips and ideas to you help say what is really on your mind.



Bouzhoo ahnin.

It has been my great pleasure and privilege to lead this university for the past seven and a half years.

I still remember, vividly, walking into Senate chambers for the first time, nearly eight years ago, with my wife Judy and two little daughters: Cecilia and Isabel.

Full of hopes and full of dreams.

Walking into a new job.

Walking into a new adventure.

Walking into a new mission.

I remember the warmth and hospitality of all the people in the community.


I remember mentioning, in passing, during my announcement speech, curiosity over a special pastry that I had been told about called a "Persian";

A unique specialty only found in Thunder Bay I was told — a local delicacy.

Only to find myself, a few hours later, with dozens of these pastries, lovingly packed for air travel by my new benefactors and especially designed as treats for my daughters.


I remember the wide-eyed expression on my daughters' faces when they saw packages of these childhood delicacies.

And the face of panic on Judy when she mentally calculated the quantities sugar content of each pastry.

To my shock and dismay, they were all consumed.


Bedtime routines were more challenging for the next few days, as we had to manage the sugar rushes.

Well, the kindness and generosity did not end there, for the next few months an army of volunteers helped us to prepare for our final arrival and then they helped us to settle in in August 2010.

Many kind people welcomed us as if we had been active members of the community for years in both Thunder Bay and Orillia.

We were home!

And the adventure began.


What no one will tell you, and few will ever admit, is that being a University President is as much about leadership abilities and management skills as it is a vocation of the heart.


It is as much about being smart and working hard as it is about having love and being passionate, and compassionate.


It is as much about reading briefing notes, countless emails and attending many meetings and events, as it is about listening and having empathy. It is as much about thinking as it is about feeling. And if the thinking and the feeling work together, they are a very powerful force indeed.


An overwhelming powerful force, when combined with commitment and purpose. An overwhelming powerful force when others see what you see and feel what you feel. An overwhelming powerful force when you have a true cause.


That is leadership. When you are in that office, you see both human potential for success and the possibility for waste.


You see what could be good for people and communities if you only work hard enough on their behalf. You see what could change lives if you are only clever enough to find the right way to reach out and the resources to fund them.


How to write ceo departure or farewell speech


You see what could make a difference in this world when people work together. We have changed the world. When you get to be president, you have countless challenges and surprises.


You solve problems every day.

You are challenged every day,

Part of you carries the burden of leadership, worrying about making the right decisions.

Part of you carries the potential of leadership, dreaming about the right possibilities.


Lakehead University is more than the sum of its parts.

During the seven and a half years as your President, this University has been transformed.

During the seven and a half years as your President, I have been transformed.

The University is more than the sum of its parts.

And Because of that I have become more than the sum of my parts.

Thanks to you.

Thanks to all of you.


A lifetime of experiences, education and hard work came into contact with an extraordinary institution, and the amazing people who inhabit it,

And the remarkable communities who support it.

And we made magic together.

We have changed the world.

When I walk through the campus and I see our students, I see in each and every face, the potential for a life to be transformed.


Professional transformation;

Personal transformation;

Community transformation;

Societal transformation.


When I walk throughout the campus and talk to our outstanding faculty, or visit their labs, or see them engaged in the classroom with students, I see their dedication, their hard work, their struggle, their passion, and their love...

For their work.

For their impact on society,

For their students,

For their personal commitment to produce knowledge, and for their passion to disseminate that knowledge.



It is not easy juggling publication deadlines, research challenges administrative duties, class notes to prepare, community service to deliver.

Yet they are unwavering about their commitment to their students.

That is what we are known for:

The dedication of our faculty and their outstanding research.

When I walk around campus, and I see our staff fixing and cleaning the buildings, making and serving the food, helping and guiding the students with their needs, talking to our students, gauging their mood and stress levels, listening to their problems, and showing care and compassion.

I see their love for this University.

I see their sense of duty.

I see their pride.


When I travel across the country and around the world, and meet with our remarkable alumni, I see in their eyes their passion for Lakehead, I see gratitude for their great education, I see nostalgia for their time here, And I see their commitment to their Alma Mater.


Whether they graduated last year, or fifty years ago, they have Lakehead in their eyes.

This is what makes Lakehead special.

This is what makes Lakehead great.

This is what makes Lakehead.

Lakehead is more than the sum of its parts.

A university education transformed my life.


It transformed me personally.

It transformed me professionally.

It transformed my family.

It transformed my community.

And, it transformed countless people around me.


Just think of the transformational force of this experience embodied in the over 60 thousand Lakehead Alumni around the world;

How it ripples though individuals, families and communities like a powerful and unstoppable force of nature.

Think of the force that travels throughout our country,

Think of the force that travels across the world.

Think of that, and you are thinking of Lakehead University.

We have changed the world.

There is so much for us to be proud of...

Nearly 60% of Lakehead Graduates, are first generation graduates.

We were the first University in the country to implement an indigenous content requirement in our curriculum.


CEO farewell speech to employees


We were the first University in the country to appoint a Vice-Provost of Aboriginal Initiatives, and a chair on truth and reconciliation.

We appointed Canada's first Aboriginal woman as Dean of a Faculty of Law.

We have established an aboriginal mentorship program.

For three years in a row, we have been designated Canada's top research university in our category.


We have opened the doors to the world.

We have attracted over a thousand new international students.

We have built a new English Language program.

We have opened new opportunities for studying abroad for our students.

We established the first ever Office of Human Rights & Equity.

We have opened Alumni chapters across this country and around the world.

We opened a new Faculty of Law.


We renewed our partnership with Confederation College.

We have created a new partnership with Georgian College.

We have opened an office in Toronto.

Thanks to the support and generosity of our Federal and provincial governments, as well as the support of kind donors and alumni, we have built:

A new campus in Orillia.

A lovingly restored Port Arthur Collegiate Institute Building.

A new state of the art daycare.

A 25-million-dollar Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering and Science.

A new learning commons in the library.

A fully renovated Student Central

A new International Center.


New STATE OF THE ART immersive telepresence classrooms that connect our two campuses.

A new Alumni Commons on both campuses.

These are just a some of the exceptional things that we in this room have done together

We have changed the world.

So many of you made my journey at Lakehead one of the most enriching experiences of my life.


For that, I wish to thank you all.

First, our faculty:

Your dedication and commitment to Lakehead have been a constant source of strength and inspiration.

As I have so often said if our students are the lifeblood of Lakehead, it is our faculty who are the heart.


I would like to express my admiration of your commitment to teaching excellence and your devotion to providing our students a world class education in an environment which is nurturing and supportive of the learning experience.

The Lakehead student experience is second to none because of you.


To our Deans, Chairs, Directors and other senior administrators, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your leadership and guidance. I could always count on you for sound advice and tireless support.


To the Chairs and members of our Ogimaawin–Aboriginal Governance Council, my deepest gratitude for guiding our University's continuing efforts to support First Nation, Inuit, and Métis' higher education goals.


Thank you for teaching me.

Thank you for showing me how to dream.


To the Chancellors whom I have had the pleasure of working with during my time as president: Dr. Arthur Mauro, Dr. Derek Burney, and now Dr. Lyn McLeod...


Thank you for your mentorship, patience and guidance, as well as your tireless work on behalf of Lakehead, has helped to transform us in the past few years.


To the wonderful communities in Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario, and Orillia and Simcoe County...


From the moment of our arrival, you embraced my family and I and instantly made us part of your own lives with warmth, kindness and generosity. You have done so with unwavering support and countless acts of kindness. You will always be a part of us.


To our hard-working federal, provincial, county and municipal representatives of all political stripes, past and present, I want to extend my sincerest thanks, not only for helping us with the many challenges and opportunities that we have faced, but for your commitment to Lakehead's educational, social and economic goals.


I have seen up close how hard our representatives work for Lakehead and I want to express my thanks for their work on our behalf.


To the thousands of alumni and donors who give so generously and selflessly to the University to help with our many needs, thank you for your faith in us and thank you for not only making us a better university but a more caring and fair one.


You have transformed lives.

We are very fortunate to have strong and vibrant First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities who support us and guide us, who teach us and enlighten us, and who firmly root us in the culture and history of these beautiful traditional lands.

Thank you for supporting the University, thank you for reminding us of our social mission and thank you for giving us renewed purpose. You are our past and you are our future.


Finally, to my employer: David, and Lakehead University's Board of Governors. {Ad libbed text}

To everyone...

It has been one of my greatest privileges to work with you all.


For all that we have done, there is more to be done.

We can still change the world.

We have children in this city, children in Northwestern Ontario and children in Simcoe County.


Our children.

Our future.

Very smart children.

Very deserving children.

That need our help.

That need our support.

Their future is our future.


And so today, as we all celebrate what we have achieved together, let us make a commitment to our collective future, let us support the achievements of our youth.

Let us support the Achievement Program.

We can change the world.

Thank you.




Ok, Let’s Start With An Easy One


As with every speech, your introductory remarks come first. In case you have forgotten about it, here’s a reminder(opening remarks) of the text for the example we are looking at.



Bouzhoo ahnin.

It has been my great pleasure and privilege to lead this university for the past seven and a half years.

I still remember, vividly, walking into Senate chambers for the first time, nearly eight years ago, with my wife Judy and two little daughters: Cecilia and Isabel.

Full of hopes and full of dreams.

Walking into a new job.

Walking into a new adventure.

Walking into a new mission.

I remember the warmth and hospitality of all the people in the community.

I remember mentioning, in passing, during my announcement speech, curiosity over a special pastry that I had been told about called a "Persian";

A unique specialty only found in Thunder Bay I was told — a local delicacy.

Only to find myself, a few hours later, with dozens of these pastries, lovingly packed for air travel by my new benefactors and especially designed as treats for my daughters.

I remember the wide-eyed expression on my daughters' faces when they saw packages of these childhood delicacies…


Farewell speech by boss


If you have ever read many leaving speeches, you will realize that most of them contain one or more of the elements seen above :

First of all, he starts by greeting the audience as you can see below:


Ceo farewell speech greetings



In some organizations, there’s so much love and acceptance that people see each other as family and have cool nicknames they call each other.

If you happen to find yourself working in such a firm, you can make the atmosphere light by playfully teasing members of the ''family''


For example, you can begin your outgoing speech with this:


Director ceo farewell speech introduction



After a short self-introduction, you then go on to talk about how you felt when you first started working at the firm or how you felt when you were tapped for the post.


Well, you can make your opening remarks funny by throwing in a good joke or a funny line. Here’s an example that always works in every situation.


Welcome everybody,

I’m delighted to see you all here today. But to be honest, it feels a bit strange that we’re all here to mark my departure from GN. Because I haven’t gone yet! I’ll be here until 1 October, my birthday.

And anybody who has been closely following GN, knows that there’s still a lot to be done before you leave!!!


Can we do this together? More like your speechwriting homework assignment. Ok, let’s go.


Please grab your pen and journal or note pad and write down a few memories you remember when you were first recruited and narrow it down to just one or two stories you think would be very helpful.  



This is what I want us to look at next:

How to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas into a Great Send Off Speech

After working on the introductory remarks, you have to merge your reflections, experiences, success stories, setback and rebounds into a story that captures the essence of your leadership and management skills.


Do you know how you can do that? It’s very simple.  Once again, please let’s go back and re-read the body of the sample speech above to get an idea of how we can bring those pieces together nicely.


Here you go:


What no one will tell you, and few will ever admit, is that being a University President is as much about leadership abilities and management skills as it is a vocation of the heart.

It is as much about being smart and working hard as it is about having love and being passionate, and compassionate.

It is as much about reading briefing notes, countless emails and attending many meetings and events, as it is about listening and having empathy.

It is as much about thinking as it is about feeling.

And if the thinking and the feeling work together, they are a very powerful force indeed.

An overwhelming powerful force, when combined with commitment and purpose.

An overwhelming powerful force when others see what you see and feel what you feel.

An overwhelming powerful force when you have a true cause.

That is leadership.

When you are in that office, you see both human potential for success and
the possibility for waste.

You see what could be good for people and communities if you only work hard enough on their behalf.

You see what could change lives if you are only clever enough to find the right way to reach out and the resources to fund them.

You see what could make a difference in this world when people work together.

We have changed the world.

When you get to be president, you have countless challenges and surprises.

You solve problems every day.

You are challenged every day,

Part of you carries the burden of leadership, worrying about making the right decisions.

Part of you carries the potential of leadership, dreaming about the right possibilities.

Lakehead University is more than the sum of its parts.

During the seven and a half years as your President, this University has been transformed.

During the seven and a half years as your President, I have been transformed….


Did you learn a thing or two from that snippet? I hope so. I got several great ideas from it and I want to share them with you.


First, this farewell speech starts with a somber reflection of what the duties of the company’s president or CEO are:


‘’What no one will tell you, and few will ever admit, is that being a a University President is as much about leadership abilities……………’’



Action Tip: Can you share with your staff and employees what your role as CEO has been like over the years?  Please write down in your journal.


Here’s an example to buttress the above tip .


My daughter came over the other day and said, Dad, being a CEO must be a tough job. You are only a young man but you have greyed faster. What’s your secret? I remember mumbling to I have any secret to share with her? I breathed out loud and said…


I actually should have greyed earlier because I have a very demanding job. But I have got a fantastic staff who gives me less to think about.  One of them actually got me a hair dye on my last birthday and has been using it since then….That probably explains why I have a few white hairs!


That sounds funny, right? Ok, let’s go on!


Next, write down what you’ve been through on the job as you can see in the above extract.



That summary depicts the challenges or hurdles, lessons learned, and what you see in their future. The content here is basically a summary of what your stewardship has been like as the head of the organization.  


You see,  ideas are all swimming in your head but the problem lies in how to bring your scattered thoughts and ideas together to form a very powerful message that will make your leaving speech one to remember.


I want to make things fairly easy for you. So, this is what I want you to do. Grab your pen and notepad or journal and kindly provide answers to the following questions since you can use the answers to fortulate the content of your departure speech.


Success and Achievements

  1. What memorable feats or successes have you gained at the helm?





Setbacks and Challenges

  1. Do you remember those rough years? Just jot them down.




  1. How did you turn the tide around and how did it make you a better steward and person? Lessons learned?



    4. What do you see in the organization’s future as you leave for good?




  1. What is your parting message for your employees? Here you can inspire them, give them gifts, and wish them well.


  1. What are your words of gratitude? And whom do you want to say thank you to? Please put down their names and why you want to express appreciation to them. Here’s an example below: 


CEO farewell thank you speech




Action Tip: Having provided answers to the questions above,  just compose a rough draft of your speech. You can later go back to edit and refine it until you are completely happy with what you have produced.

President farewell speech to staff

Please Read This Time-Sensitive Message Only If You Really Want to Give a Unique And Memorable CEO speech in record time…ignore this if you still want to make the same boring speech every you speak


Let’s face it. Being CEO is one of the most stressful jobs on earth. So, you shouldn’t stress out about putting together a great speech which in itself can make you lose your sanity and create an extra burden on your shoulders.

We know most CEO’S are not great with words and  we are giving you a chance to come up with something inspiring and memorable without pulling your hair out! 

Want to get on board? You should by first filling out this simple and short questionnaire and we will help you out as these people experienced.

Ceo  speech to employees


This is also another letter we got from an old client

Ceo speech to employees samples

Ok, Is This Offer For Me?

  • Yes, it’s for you if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work or other things and really don’t have the time to put a beautiful speech together.
  • Yes you have to get on board; if you don’t know how to start or are not too sure if you can.
  • Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
  • Yes, if you feel writing and giving speeches is simply not your thing! You just hate it!
  • Yes, if you are still struggling to find the right words and ideas to say something memorable.
  • Yes, if you feel you might make some horrible mistakes!
  • Yes, if you are a good writer or speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you’ve come up with!

Need a speech in about 24 hours or less? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if you need your speech today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you right now.  

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You don’t have to give any $$$$ now!

Why? Are you guys serious? Are you not kidding?

No, we are very serious about this since we want you to be happy with your speech first!

Satisfaction guaranteed for mother of the groom

After we have delivered your speech, then you name a fair price for it! That’s all!  So, you better not joke with this amazing offer! We are very serious about this!

Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?

All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire in your email to get started.

  1. So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE— -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just give whatever amount you want to.
  2. After that, we will send you a very short and simple questionnaire to fill out!
  3. Then, you have it sent back to us via email
  4. If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify.
  5. If not, we will send you a wonderful draft.
  6. Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend it till you are happy with it — although we always get it right even with the first draft.
  7. Then, we ask you to name a fair price for it!

So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE — -you name a fair price after your speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind! You just name a fair price for your speech.