Father of the groom speech or toast: 8 Simple and Proven Ideas To Help You Write The Best Father of the Groom Speech Ever
Is your son’s wedding around the corner? And are you looking for tips and ideas to help you write a heartfelt father of the groom speech?
Just bear me with me for just a little while and I will share with you…
- How to use father of the groom speech samples/templates to easily say something meaningful even if you are not great with words.
- What to say and what not to say at your son’s wedding or rehearsal dinner night
- How to properly share your sentiments about the bride and her family…get it wrong and your father of the groom speech or toast will flop
- Plus several ideas you can incorporate into your speech to make it hilarious and heartfelt
Are you ready for a thrilling ''ride'' with me? Ok…then please put away all distractions, grab your note pad and pen, may be a cup of coffee and let’s hit the road running.
From being there at the hospital to watch your son’s arrival into this world, to when he learned to call your name, to when he went on vacations with you, you have struck a bond that will last forever.
All too soon, he’s grown into a fine young man and found the love of his life. He’s getting married and I am sure he’s asked you to make a speech at his wedding. What an honor!
If you hate being in the public eye, that will be very terrifying and leave you with a very uncomfortable feeling. Well, if you are a pretty confident speaker, you might decide to write your speech. But it might not be well-received because wedding speeches are quite different from the others out there.
In the next few lines, I am going to share with you what really goes into writing a great father of the groom speech toast so you can figure out how to write a heartfelt father of the groom toast for your son and daughter-in-law without trying so hard.
I am always amazed whenever I read notes of panic-stricken dads who have run out of words or don’t know what to say. I always attribute that dilemma to not preparing well enough before they speak.
If you really want to strike a chord with the guests, you need to mentally prepare before you even sit down to write your wedding toast.
Preparing mentally helps you develop a strong sense of self, helps you to overcome self- doubts, and boost your self- confidence so you can deliver the best ever father of the groom speech or toast.
When it comes to delivering your speech with confidence and clarity, mental preparation always precedes the actual performance. As you are very much aware, all goals begin in our heads as dreams, wishes and ambitions. So, it is with your father of the groom toast.
Here are two proven ways to mentally prepare yourself for a great performance.
First, watch a few video clips of how amazing father of the groom speeches or toasts are delivered. Youtube.com has several of such video clips. Taking time out to watch a few of these short films can give you a fair idea of the stuff great toasts are made of. This is what I recommend you do right now. Click on any of the videos below and study them briefly.
Here you go:
Father of the groom speech video#1
Father of the groom toast video# 2
Did you enjoy listening to both clips? I did find both entertaining and inspiring. Did you learn a thing or two from watching both clips? Any takeaway from viewing them?
Second, father of the groom speech samples/templates are also indispensable tools that can help you mesh your exact thoughts and emotions together into a very lovely toast. There are several examples online you can learn from. But here’s the thing. Most of the samples you will find have lost its appeal because they have been copied verbatim and used by several speech givers.
Of course, you can use them as inspiration to help you create your own train of thoughts. I have a good example for you. But I am not going to share it in its entirety. Just bit and pieces of it sprinkled with helpful comments.
Third, you should come up with an outline for your father of the groom wedding toast and then work into your message the right stuff. The most common order in outlines usually follows this format although there are some really creative ones I have seen.
The layout works best if you really have no idea of where to start from.
- Greetings
- Short self-introduction
- Thank your guests and other personalities
- Start your speech
- Talk about your son
- Talk about your daughter-in-law
- Talk about the bride and groom
- End with a bit of marriage advice or best wishes
- End with a toast
Now, let’s take it one step at a time. Let’s first begin with the first idea:
Writing Idea#1: Greetings
This is a standard wedding etiquette and the easiest part of the speech to write. So, I won’t go into much detail at this time.
Writing Idea#2: Short-Self Introduction
Most fathers don’t do this due to the erroneous impression that the guests might know who they are. Even if you have been introduced by the emcee, you still should let everyone know who you are and your relationship to the bride and groom.
Here’s a brief example.
Hello everyone! I am Dan, Steve’s dad. I want to say that I’m very proud of him and Alice who I love like a daughter. They have put together a wonderful celebration today and rekindled our joy for living in these hard times. I want to thank them for bringing us together.
Writing Idea # 3: Thank your guests and other personalities
Simply thanking the guests for coming to celebrate with you endears you to your audience in many ways more than you can ever imagine.
Your son has come thus far in life as a result of the contribution of family and friends and some other people. So it makes sense to show appreciation for being there for you over the years.
If you have a large family who played an immense role in your son’s life, then, you can jot down their names and express appreciation to them in whichever way you can.
Here’s an example by a father to his son’s mom for raising him when he wasn’t around.
Bernadette, I know it was hard being a single mom. I hoped that I was some help. Know that all of us look at you with awe and inspiration. You raised an amazing young man and you’ll forever be in my debts. Please let’s give her a round of applause for that.
Here’s an example by a father to his parents or son’s grandparents.
First and foremost, let me say a big thank you to my mother Mamaw for standing by me through the good times and bad. She was like a second mother to Steve and she did everything in her power to make life easier for me and reduce my stress during my tough times. She’s no longer with us but I know she’s looking down at us
and is so proud of who her grandson has become.
A special thanks go to my father Papaw who was and still is our handyman, our advisor, and my pillar or strength and our source of laughter. He and mom both provided Steve with great role-models and helped them grow up to be well-adjusted.
Can you write down the names of person you wish to thank? Just jot them down.
Writing idea #4: Starting Your Speech
After you have expressed gratitude to family and friends, you have to start with some captivating remarks to break the ice.
You can start with one or more of the following ideas:
- Start with a joke or a hilarious comment….Here’s an example
This beautiful couple have the world at their feet today, don’t they? Someone very wise once said, “Marriage is a partnership where each partner secretly believes that they got the better deal.” I can’t say which of you is correct in that, because both of you are quite the catch!
- If your son’s birthday coincides with his wedding day, then you may ask the wedding guests to sing a happy birthday song for him. However, you can personalize it a bit to make it more entertaining. Here’s an example to illustrate this point.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
How old are you now?
Response by son:
I am so glad that you asked me that
But I am not going to tell you now because you didn’t bring me any birthday gift!
You came with your wedding gifts but not birthday gifts
Hmm….Thank you for the birthday song anyway
Well, If you want to know my age, just ask my dad because he’s the one who brought this up….else I won’t have told you because today is my wedding day.
Did you see I changed the lyrics here and there to suit the occasion? You can give it a try and practice it out loud with your son if he’s lucky to have his birthday and wedding date on a particular weekend. If you do it well, your message might go viral.
- If you are an emotional person or want to start your speech with a quote about fatherhood or any other quote about marriage.
- You may relive memories of when your son was born at the hospital if it has a fascinating twist to it. I remember working with a man who said he was so excited about his child’s arrival that he forgot where he’d parked his car when the announcer asked him to park well to make way for someone to move his car. Stories like that are always heartwarming and make great speeches what they are.
- You can always start with a song if you are a gifted musician. This father of the groom certainly made all the difference at his son’s wedding.
- You can decide to give joint parents of the groom speech by speaking in turns.
Now, let’s get to the next point.
Writing idea #5: Talk about Your Son
There are so many things you can write about when you are weaving a story about your son. To make things a little bit easier, you should decide if you just want to talk about childhood, teenage years or adulthood.
Alternatively, you can choose one or more of his best character traits, build a story with them, and explain why those qualities will help him weather the storms of marriage.
Here’s an example about how to talk about your son
Steve was a happy child, curious but shy, always fun and loved parties even as a toddler!
He grew to be independent, but still loved parties especially the ones he threw herself! And concerts.”
He also persevered no matter the odds. You know he tried so hard before passing his driving test, right? While that may give you pause before letting him behind the wheel of your car, it should say that you would want him by your side if you need tenacity and undying faith to win the day!
When he first entered Uni, we were warned that he would get homesick and we should remain strong and not let him get to us. Yeah, well I failed at that test. He had already made friends though, so they were taking stuff out of my car as fast as I was putting stuff in! But we did eventually get hIM packed and home. He re-entered another Uni the following semester, but again after a day he called to tell me that he’s going out with this girl.
Knowing who my son is, I doubted if he meant it. As the days went by, he kept talking about his friend and I got so curious. At that point, I knew this was getting serious. Lo and behold, his nameless friend came to visit and I could tell right away why he so much adored Stephanie.
Writing idea #6: Write about Your Daughter-In-Law
To make sure your speech isn’t lopsided; you should talk briefly about your new daughter-in-law. You can write about how you felt when you first met her, the great qualities you think that will help make her an amazing wife and mom, and thank her parents for welcoming your son into their family.
Here’s an example to illustrate my points.
I’m sorry, I haven’t talked much about
Janet. But I will say this. I was absolutely
clueless when it came to my son’s love life.
I met her at “Remember the 27” at West
Chester. I thought she was lovely and
charming and – I swear – a good friend to Steve . Lynn had to tell me that my son was
in love with this girl.
Writing idea #7: Talk About The Bride and Groom
You can write about how the bride complements your son and why they are a perfect match for the journey of marriage.
Writing idea # 8: End with A Bit of Marriage or Best Wishes
As the father of the groom, everyone will be counting on you to deliver some words of wisdom. If you have been married for a long time, you can tap into that reservoir of marriage wisdom and share your personal insights with the couple about what makes a good marriage.
Here’s an example to buttress this point.
Finally, as for advice, the only thing I can say is
never take each other for granted. Don’t hold
grudges, forget any disagreement quickly, but
never forget the good times. When you look at
your hand and see that ring, remember the
promise you made to get it. Happily ever after
starts now. And I hope you two have a blessed
and prosperous life together.
If that doesn’t work, you may end with your very best wishes.
P.S: Most dads do this...Have you considered it? Want to write and give a great wedding speech like the one above but can't seem to get started because you don't know the exact words to use?
Or not too sure if what you intend writing will be well received by the guests?
Let's help you make your son, wife, and family proud, and let the wedding guests say great things about your speech.
Here’s what one nervous and skeptical dad called Glen sent over after the wedding was over
Hey Dan, I just wanted to thank you once again for the speech you wrote with me. My goal was met afterward, I was told by many "what a beautiful speech" and received a standing ovation. I couldn't have done this without you. God Bless Dan!- Glen, U.S.A
Want to know how he did just that? He got on board our wedding speech program and one of our talented speech consultants helped him out.
Want to get on board? You should by first clicking here to fill out this short and simple form.
This is letter a dad sent to us after we helped him deliver his speech(Please click on it to enlarge if you can't see it)
Ok, Is This Offer For Me?
- Yes, if you are expecting nothing less than a very special, beautiful, unique and memorable speech.
- Yes, if you are overwhelmed by the pressures of work and don’t have the time to put together a very meaningful speech, so you can have peace of mind
- Yes, if you want your family, children, friends, and wedding guests to shower you with very sincere compliments…just imagine how you will feel
- Yes, if you are not good with words and you feel you’re not a natural writer and you are struggling to find the right words but still want to give a great speech.
- Yes, you get so scared anytime you’re asked to say something before an audience and you really want to save yourself from any form of embarrassment on your son’s big day.
- Yes, if you are not too eloquent or not too sure if you are on the right track.
- Yes, if you absolutely hate speaking in public or feel this is not your thing but you want to make your son feel very proud
- Yes, if you have a day or less to the wedding and you are worried that you might make some horrible mistakes
- Yes, if you are a good speaker but you still want someone to look over or review what you've come up with!
Wedding not too far away? Or happening in less than 24 hours? Trust me, we can deliver! it doesn’t matter if your speech is today, tomorrow, next week, next month ,next year,... we can make things work for you
Just imagine leaving your entire presentation in the hands of skilled wedding speech consultants who will take away your pain of spending hours thinking hard and long about what to say and what not to say.
Also, envision being patiently guided to say something that will leave a favorable impression on the mind of your listeners.
And also imagine the thrill and feeling of excitement and pride you’re going to experience when the audience leap onto their feet and scream and shouts and even sing your praises.
Won’t you love that? I hope you do...
Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?
You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.
Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.
Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.
Yet, some sons are still getting married and asking their fathers to give speeches.
Nonetheless, not every father could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.
So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.
Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.
So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future.
Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your son and daughter-in-law and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.
So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.
This is another letter a dad sent to us after we helped him deliver his speech(Please click on it to enlarge if you can't see it)
Oh Ok, How Then Do I Get Started Since I Want To Get On Board Right Away?
Ok, here’s how it works
All you have to do RIGHT NOW is to click on this link to receive an easy-to-fill-in questionnaire via email. Check your email a few hours after you’ve submitted your request for your questionnaire.
- After that, we will send you a very short questionnaire to fill out via email! You only have to check your email a few hours after you have made your request.
- Then, you fill out the questionnaire sent through your email and please have it sent back to us…
- We will confirm receipt of it…If something is not too clear, we will ask you to clarify….
- If not, we will send you a wonderful draft in a couple of hours if this on very short notice….If not, after a few days
- Then, you look it over and tell us if you are okay with it or you want to amend or revise it till you are happy with it--although we always get it right even with the first draft
- Then, we ask you to pay for it
Please note: The information collected through the questionnaire is only for the purpose of writing your speech. I wouldn’t even need it if I could read your mind. So, your information is very confidential and no one will know about it.
Just a reminder of what you pay after it’s duly completed.
You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your beautiful speech.
Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.
Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.
Yet, some sons are still getting married and asking their fathers to give speeches.
Nonetheless, not every father could afford our services even before the pandemic suddenly hit us.
So, we have dropped our normal rates so you can simply pay what you want after you have got your beautiful speech.
Please note: When life gets back to normal, this offer will be scrapped for good.
So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future.
Even though we are going through this crazy time, if you do a poor job at it, your speech will be captured on video and your son and daughter-in-law and other viewers will forever remember what you said and would not attribute your poor performance to the fact there was a deadly disease in town.
So, please take advantage of it now even if your son’s big day is in the future by simply paying what you want after you get your beautiful speech.
Please note: Your speech draft comes with a proven and simple tip to master your speech or remember your speech just as you want it without carrying a paper with you.
Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise, and clarity!
''Hi Dan,
The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice). Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.
All the best,
Please note: Don’t fill out this form if you’re a dishonest individual. This offer is for a limited time.
So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!
You don't have to worry about paying our per speech for now.
Forget about money and let’s write something for you. We believe in the values of honesty and integrity and we think you should be happy with our work first.
So, Here Are The Benefits You Get When You Get On Board!
- A great speech written by our wedding speech consultants that reflects what you want to say exactly
- We coach you on how to use your voice to make your speech very exciting.
- We show you a simple but often overlook strategy to rehearse your speech even if you have a very poor memory. This method is used by great speakers like Obama and was used by Abraham Lincoln and his compatriots
- The most effective way to get your entire speech into your head without memorizing your speech. Guaranteed to help you even if you have a very poor memory or your memory is like a gold fish…most of our clients still wonder where we got this idea from. This ensures that you don't read off a sheet of paper...
Just see what someone said about that great tip that's proven to calm your nerves and help you speak with purpose, poise, and clarity!
''Hi Dan,
The speech went very well, I modified it a bit and practiced it as you suggested (great advice). Thanks for all your help and if I need a prepared speech again I’ll definitely contact you.
All the best,
- Ways to include humor in your speech and what it takes to do so
So, CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED NOW TO GET YOUR GREAT SPEECH NOW BY FILLING OUT A QUESTIONNAIRE---you only pay after your beautiful speech has been delivered. So, you can have peace of mind and not lose money. The risk is on us!
Remember, you have to see your speech first before you pay. So, you can relax and let us sweat it out at our expense!