Granddad of the Bride Or Groom Wedding Speech
Is Thought of Giving A Beautiful Grandfather Wedding Speech For Your Granddaughter or Grandson Keeping You Up At Night?
Just Follow These Easy Steps Below And You Can Easily Write A Beautiful Wedding Speech That Will Earn You The Love And Respect Of Your Family And Wedding Guests!
Many people thought Alice was Tom’s real daughter. Her parents lost their lives in a motor accident two years after they had her and her grandparents stepped up to the plate.
Both were so kind and so good to her but the little girl’s heart was intertwined with her grandfather because they both loved to help the sick in the local community.
Tom vowed to help her granddaughter achieve the same dreams her parents had for her and he was there for her through thick and thin.
From helping her with homework through helping her through college, Tom had a heart for her precious grandchild.
After graduating college, she got a job at a prestigious accounting firm. The next thing she had on her mind was a man to love and cherish her just as her grandparents had done.
On Macy’s 24th birthday, she came to introduce Dan to the family and they were not so sure if he was the one.
As the days went by, they got to know him more and were endlessly impressed with his conduct and her grandparents gave them their blessings.
All was set for their big day when Tom got a call from her granddaughter and guess what she wanted?
''Dad, as she affectionately called him, do you mind if…''
''If what?''
''Please can you give the only speech at my wedding''
Tom almost fell off his seat. He had never given one his whole life yet he didn’t want to let her girl down, so he looked everywhere for help until he found some good ideas which helped him to come up with these words.
A Short Granddad of the Bride Or Groom Speech
Macy, time certainly flies so fast. Before you were born, we were so eager to see who you really were.
I was lucky enough to be in the room when you popped out and when they handed you over to your dad, he told me you are going to be a very special girl.
I looked through your eyes and there and then, I knew from that special light in your eyes that you were going to be a very special child as he predicted.
But our joy was cut short when your parents left us only 2 years after you arrived.
I often wondered how you were going to survive because we just didn’t have the energy to raise you all by ourselves.
Your granny and I promised your mom and dad when you were born that we would be there for you every step of the way and their sudden exit strengthened our resolve to put a smile on your face at every turn.
It wasn’t so easy raising you and making sure you always had that sparkly smile you brought from heaven.
When you grew a little older, we still saw that special light in your heart, and I remember telling my wife, your grandma, that we had to do everything we can to bring out the very best in you.
From the sleepless nights to watching over you to reading out loud to you before you dozed off, we made sure each day of your life counts.
Suddenly, you bloomed like a rose and we felt like the happiest grandparents ever because every day, you took delicate but sure steps into your glorious future.
Each night, we prayed for you, and your small and big wins and even losses filled our hearts with joy-something your dad and mom always wished to experience…
Then, came your graduation day and it felt you had reached the finish line. But, we felt that was your stepping stone to a big and brighter future. Then, came the day you told us that you had gotten your first job!
Through it all, we felt there was still something missing in your life. At that point, we were growing old and our hope and prayer was that God bless you with someone to love you just as we and your parents do.
For years, we all kept waiting…waiting for the right man to knock on the doors of your heart…
Each year, we hoped and hoped but that gentle knock was never heard.
When we felt we had waiting for so long….then, we had the surprise of our lives….
A fine, young man who endlessly impressed us with his grit, wisdom, and big heart walked into your life.
Someone like you deserve to be loved and when you gave him the keys to your heart, we felt so much peace….the same wonderful feeling we had when we welcomed you into our hearts.
Dan is loving…Dan is patient…Dan is wise and caring and even if we go back to God tomorrow morning….we can go smiling all the way to heaven because we know for sure he will treat you with love and kindness
Dan, please do whatever it takes to love her because your life is in her and hers is in your hand.
We leave you both with what my dad said on our wedding day that has been the guiding compass of our marriage.
50 years ago, he gave his wedding speech and made this profound statement: Tom and Anne, your happiness lies in your hands….so make each other happy and your happiness will outlast anything you have
We have stuck to that and we are in our 70th year of marriage. You too can achieve similar results if you love each other even when it hurts along love’s rough road. We eternally love you and God almighty bless you with all that you need.
That was Tom’s grandfather of the bride's speech…Can you write something close to that or even better? I am sure you can…
I have been writing granddad and grandma of the bride wedding speeches for all manner of people all over the world and I am happy to share with you my time-tested secrets for effortlessly writing a beautiful grandfather of the bride or groom wedding speech even if you feel you are not so great with words.
But, first, I want you to get this right as it hinders most wedding speakers from speaking successfully.
Do This Before You Even Write and You’ll Make It
Before you even write a word, there’s this little voice that will remind you of your past speaking failures if you have ever experienced that.
If you dwell on what that voice tells you, you will get nervous and that will sabotage all your efforts.
You’re hearing that voice because of past failures but you can do so well if you constantly hold a positive mental image of yourself speaking confidently and your confidence will soar more than you ever imagine.
Here’s How To Get The Right Words
That being said, let’s see how you can get the right words and ideas and how to properly put your exact thoughts and emotions into the kind of speech you have in mind.
To begin with, first put yourself in the mood.
That means mentally preparing yourself for great ideas to come to your brain. Wondering how to do that?
By visiting sites like and the like.
When, you go there, put in your search term into a search bar or box and wait for a few videos to pop up before you watch what you want.
As you do that, get your notepad and pen and put down ideas and phrases you think you can use for your own grandfather of the bride or groom's speech.
By the way, I found these great videos to inspire your creative thinking. (You can skip the videos if you want to get to the heart of the matter....see below)
This Trusty Tool Will Help You Write In A Very Short Time
Another great tool I often use when I have to come up with an amazing speech on short notice for one of my clients is speech samples. They contain useful ideas you can model your speech after, yet many speakers don’t use them, and the few who do often misuse them.
Thank God, we saw that short and sweet sample above. So, this is what I want us to do together right now.
Let’s get an idea of how it was put together by breaking it down bit by bit so you can write a beautiful speech for your granddaughter or grandson.
First, let’s revisit its introduction:
Macy, time certainly flies so fast. Before you were born, we were so eager to see who you really were.
I was lucky enough to be in the room when you popped out and when they handed you over to your dad; he told me this is going to be a very special girl.
Even though this is worthy of our study, I feel a few critical issues were left out…Have any idea what they are?
- Do you notice that he didn’t mention his name and his relationship with the bride….For example; he could have started it this way…
Good evening and welcome everyone….I am Tom, grandfather, and father of the bride….For those of you wondering why you are playing a dual role, my speech will give …
Since you have no second chance to make a first-time impression, your introductory remarks shouldn’t not only grab the attention of the guests but also lay the groundwork for the rest of the story to follow.
Ok, …enough said for that, so let’s recap excerpts of the body…
I looked through your eyes and there and then, I know from that special light in your eyes that you were going to be a very special child...
But, we felt that was only the stepping stone to a big and brighter future.
Through it all, we felt there was still something missing in your life…For years, we all kept waiting…waiting for the right man to knock on the doors of your heart…Dan, please do whatever it takes to love her because your life is in her and hers is in your hand
My comments/ take-home writing ideas below:
As you probably know, the body is essentially the heartbeat of your speech and that’s where the memorable events are.
To come up with the ideas for the story outline, please decide on the kind of speech you want to give.
Do you want something funny, sentimental, storytelling, poetic or song-like?Whatever style you go for will determine your choice of words and style.
Most people prefer a combo of funny, sentimental, and storytelling as that works best. So, I am going to show how to come up with rich content ideas for each style.
If you want something funny, then...
- Put down funny memories
- You may use funny marriage quotes
If storytelling, then you have to ask yourself these questions:
- How did I feel when my granddaughter or grandson was born?
- Did I take over from her mom and dad at some point in his or her life?
- Why did I assume that role?
- What was his or her upbringing like?
- What was he or she like when she was a little kid?
- What about his or her teenage years?
- What about his or her adulthood years
After that, you have to talk about the other couple as your delivery shouldn’t be one-sided.
- Talk about him or her and your impressions when you got to know him well
- If you’re the only speaker, you can welcome him into the family…if not, tell him how excited that he’s marrying your granddaughter or grandson
Here’s How To End With A Bang
Let’s look at the conclusion as that carries as much weight as the opening remarks.
Let’s go back to our example under review.
We leave you both with what my own dad said on our wedding day that has been the guiding compass of our marriage.
50 years ago, he gave his wedding speech and made this profound statement: Tom and Anne, your happiness lies in your hands….so make each other happy and your happiness will outlast anything you have.
We stuck to that and we are in our 70th year of marriage. You too can achieve similar results if you love each other even when it hurts along love’s rough road. We eternally love you and God bless.
Comments/take-home writing ideas:
There are several ways to end on a memorable but I feel the best way to do that is by giving love or marriage advice.
Everyone respects you and it’s very likely that they would want to hear the words of a very experienced person who’s been through every storm of life.